
Magic Circle

3rd level Abjuration

Classes: Oracle, Sorcerer, Wizard

Domains: Cleric, Generic

Components: V, S, M (50 gp worth of powdered silver which can be used to create a line or circle on the ground)/DF

Casting Time: Standard

Range: 0 ft

Effect: A protective line in the shape of a 10-foot radius circle or 30-foot line

Duration: 24 hours

Spell Resistance: No

Description: You draw a line with powdered silver that creates a magical barrier that offers protection from certain types of creatures. When you draw the line, designate whether it protects against good, evil, chaotic, or lawful creatures. Creatures of the chosen alignment must make a charisma save each time they attempt to cross the boundary. Once they fail, they are unable to physically cross the boundary for the duration of the spell. Even digging under it or flying over it proves unsuccessful. Ranged weapons, teleportation effects, and most spells are still free to cross the boundary. Spells that exercise mental control cannot target someone on the other side of the protective boundary. These spells simply fail. Such spells that are already in effect are temporarily disrupted, though not dispelled, when the boundary comes directly between the caster and target.

The magic barrier lasts for 24 hours, until dispelled, or until the line of powdered silver is disrupted by a creature not affected by the spell. Near the end of the 24 hours, if the spell is still in effect, you can re-cast magic circle to maintain the barrier, but after each recasting, any affected creatures can once again attempt to pass the barrier with a new charisma save.

The magic barrier can be drawn as a line or a circle. As a circle, the barrier can be used to trap extraplanar creatures, which can be called into its center using call outsider or other spells. When trapped, you can hold the creature captive long enough to try to interrogate it, to request a service in exchange for its freedom, or other make other bargains.

Leveling: When cast at higher levels, you can scribe your magic circle in a special pattern using special glyphs and arcane symbols that allow it to combine with other spells. Spells combined with magic circle last as long as the circle itself does, regardless of their typical duration. You can only infuse one spell into a magic circle, and scribing the circle requires a DC 20 arcana check. If successful, the following combinations are possible. At level 4, your circle can have alarm cast on it, allowing you to know if the barrier is breached. At level 5, you can cast dimensional anchor on your circle, preventing any creatures on the inside from using extradimensional travel. At level 8, you can scribe a pattern to accept a casting of antimagic field. The antimagic field will not hamper the circle itself but will effectively prevent any magical effects inside the circle's boundaries.