
Magnetic Field

7th level Abjuration

Classes: Magus, Oracle, Sorcerer, Witch, Wizard

Domains: Creation, Generic, Strength

Components: V, S

Casting Time: Standard

Range: 30 ft

Area: 30-ft.-radius emanation

Duration: 1 minute, Concentration

Saving Throw: Dex negates

Spell Resistance: Yes

Description: You create a spherical magnetic field that surrounds you to a range of 30 feet and follows you for the duration of the spell. Unattended metal objects in range-including weapons, armor, and anything made primarily out of metal-are pulled violently toward you, stopping just short of your space and falling harmlessly to the ground. Objects secured to a nonmetallic fixture remain where they are unless a forceful tug would be enough to detach them. Loose objects weighing more than 500 pounds are not affected. If the magnetic field would cause a dangerous metal object such as a sword or anvil to intersect a square occupied by a creature, that creature must succeed at a Dex save or take damage as if from an improvised weapon of the object's size (or smaller or larger, at the GM's discretion). A creature in the area wearing metal armor, wielding a metal weapon, or holding a metal object must succeed at a STR save or be dragged 5 feet closer to you in a straight line. A creature can drop a metal object it's holding as a free action to avoid the effect if it's not wearing metal armor. Creatures made entirely or mostly of metal take a -2 penalty on their STR saves. Creatures that fail their saves by 5 or more are pulled an additional 5 feet closer for every increment of 5 by which they failed their saves.