
Mighty Smite

1st level Transmutation

Classes: Ranger

Domains: Paladin

Components: V, F (A weapon you are proficient to use)

Casting Time: Bonus

Range: Touch

Target: Weapon

Duration: 1 minute, Concentration

Saving Throw: See Text

Spell Resistance: Yes

Description: This spell allows you to enhance your weapon through a word of power, inflicting an extra effect on the next target that you hit. You determine the enhancement when casting the spell, and the weapon remains charged until the spell expires or until you land a successful melee hit. After hitting, the enhancement is gone, but in some variations the effect remains until the spell expires

Leveling: Level 1, (Branding Smite): The creature is surrounded by a soft glow. It loses all advantages of invisibility and can be seen in the dark. The effect lasts until the spell expires.

Level 1, (Ensnaring Smite): Vines sprout from the point of impact and constrict your opponent. He gets a STR save at the beginning of each turn until he succeeds. Each failure causes 1d4 force damage. Your opponent is considered grappled until the save is successful.

Level 2, (Wrathful Smite): Your sword fills with overpowering force, doing 1d6 psychic damage and scaring your opponent. He must make a WIS save or become frightened for the duration of the spell.

Level 2, (Thunderous Smite): Your hit explodes in a sonic boom, doing an extra 1d6 sonic damage. Your opponent must make a STR save or be pushed back five feet and knocked prone.

Level 2, (Blinding Smite): The next opponent you strike must make a CON save or go blind for the duration of the spell. The target may save each round to try to shake off the effect.

Level 3, (Searing Smite): The creature is seared with 2d6 extra fire damage from your weapon. The target ignites in flames and takes an additional 1d6 damage each round until a CON save is made.

Level 4, (Fatiguing Smite): The strike does an extra 3d6 psychic damage. The target must make a CON saving throw or add three levels of fatigue.