

1st level Teleportation/Summoning

Classes: Magus, Sorcerer, Witch, Wizard

Domains: Animal

Components: V, S, M (A bit of horse hair)

Casting Time: 1 rd

Range: 30 ft

Effect: One mount

Duration: Until end of long rest (D)

Spell Resistance: Yes

Description: You summon a light horse or a pony (your choice) to serve you as a mount. The steed serves willingly and well. The mount comes with a bit and bridle and a riding saddle.

Leveling: Level 2: This spell functions like mount, except you can summon up to six light horses or ponies. At level 4, instead of a horse, you may summon a single griffon, pegasus, dire wolf, or saber-toothed tiger. At level 6, you may summon up to six of these creatures.