
Phase Door

7th level Teleportation/Summoning

Classes: Sorcerer, Witch, Wizard

Domains: Planes, Travel

Components: V

Casting Time: Standard

Range: 0 ft

Effect: Ethereal door through a wall

Duration: up to 6 uses

Spell Resistance: Yes

Description: This spell creates an ethereal passage through wooden, plaster, or stone walls. You disappear when you enter the phase door and appear when you exit. The phase door is invisible and inaccessible to all creatures except you, and only you can use the passage unless you specify otherwise, granting access to all or restricting access to only those with certain physical characteristics. A phase door is subject to dispel magic. If anyone is within the passage when it is dispelled, they are harmlessly ejected.

Leveling: At level 8, when cast with a material component (17,500 gp. worth of diamond dust), this spell has a duration of Permanent.