
Pilfering Hand

2nd level Evocation

Classes: Bard, Magus, Oracle, Sorcerer, Wizard

Domains: Generic, Trickery

Components: S

Casting Time: Standard

Range: 60 ft

Target: One object

Duration: maintained concentration

Spell Resistance: Yes

Description: You create and control an invisible telekinetic force, manipulating it with either startling abruptness or careful deliberateness, allowing you to seize an object from an opponent or remotely manipulate an object. When an object is grabbed, it is pulled instantly to you, ending the spell.

If the object is hidden on a creature, you may use the pilfering hand to pick pocket. In doing so, you may use your spell attack in place of your sleight of hand score. If you fail this attempt, you may maintain concentration, allowing you to attempt it again in subsequent rounds as a full-round action.

If the object is held (like a weapon), you may use pilfering hand to disarm the target and take the object. You may use a spell attack to disarm. If unsuccessful, subsequent attempts to disarm will automatically fail, as the target is aware of your failed attempt.

Pilfering hand is not strong enough to pull any object to you that would otherwise require a strength check, and anchored objects cause pilfering attempts to automatically fail. You also cannot disable traps or pick locks with the hand.