
Polymorph Creature

5th level Transmutation

Classes: Magus, Sorcerer, Witch, Wizard

Domains: Affliction, Animal

Components: V, S

Casting Time: Standard

Range: Touch

Target: one creature touched

Duration: 1 minute, Concentration

Saving Throw: CON and INT negate

Spell Resistance: Yes

Description: This spell changes a target creature into an animal. The target gets a CON save to resist the physical change. If the new form would prove fatal to the creature, such as an aquatic creature not in water, the subject gets advantage on the save. If failed, the target is transformed into CR 0 or CR 1 animal of your choice (size small or smaller), and it then gets an INT save to resist the mental change. Creatures who fail the INT save have their mental ability scores (INT, WIS, CHA) transformed to match those of the target animal. They also lose spellcasting, skills, and abilities. Targets retain their attack bonuses, saving throws, and hit points, though if the damage the target takes is normally enough to kill the kind of animal it becomes, the spell is broken and the target reverts to its normal form.

Any polymorph requires the spellcaster to hold a clear mental image of the new form that the target will assume. As such, the spellcaster must have a clear idea of the nature of the new form, through prior experience with the target creature. The polymorphed subject gains the basic features of the new physical form (i.e. flying if it has wings, gills if aquatic, natural armors, natural attacks). When polymorphing into to another form, worn equipment (including armor, backpacks, clothes, rings, etc.) is melded into the new form and no longer available for use until returning to the original form. Melded equipment and clothing returns to normal if the spell's effects expire. Carried objects are still carried or dropped after the change.

Polymorph creature lasts one minute. If concentration is maintained for the duration of the spell, the effect then becomes permanent, though like all permanent spells, the effects can still be revered with dispel magic. Incorporeal or gaseous creatures are immune to baleful polymorph, and creatures who are shapechangers can revert to its natural form as a standard action.