
Remove Curse

3rd level Abjuration

Classes: Inquisitor, Oracle, Witch

Domains: Affliction, Generic, Life

Components: V, S

Casting Time: Standard

Range: Touch

Target: Creature or object touched

Duration: Instantaneous

Spell Resistance: Yes

Description: Remove curse can remove the effects of all curses on an object or a creature, though the spell is usually only the final step in the curse-removal process. A curse represents an unbalancing of the universe. Usually, the cause of the curse must be addressed first: a scorned lover who curses her beloved must be appeased, a murdered child must find justice, the souls of those betrayed must find peace. Only after the world has been set right and the cause of the curse addressed can the Remove Curse spell lift its effects.

To determine the nature of a subject's curse, the spellcaster must make an Arcana or Religion check (at the GM's discretion). The DC of this check is the curse's removal DC. A successful check will reveal the general nature and reason for the curse, usually enough to intuit the means of restoration necessary. Particularly powerful or mysterious curses, though, may require divination of some sort. This check is never enough to determine the level of the curse, though it may be enough to determine whether it is faint, medium, or strong.

Once balance is restored, a spellcaster can cast Remove Curse to attempt to remove it completely. To do so, Remove Curse must be cast at an equivalent spell level as the curse (e.g. if Bestow Curse was cast at 6th level, Remove Curse must also be cast at the same level at a minimum). When casting Remove Curse, the spellcaster will make a spell attack roll. If this roll, hits the curse's removal DC, then the curse is lifted.

Remove curse does not remove the curse from a cursed shield, weapon, or suit of armor, although a successful spell attack enables the creature afflicted with any such cursed item to remove it, if worn.

Leveling: Remove curse must be cast at the equivalent level of the curse itself of the spell fails