

8th level Illusion

Classes: Sorcerer, Wizard

Domains: Protection

Components: V, S

Casting Time: 10 min

Range: 30 ft

Area: Sixteen 30-ft. cubes

Duration: 24 hours

Saving Throw: INT disbelief

Spell Resistance: No

Description: This spell combines the elements of a major image and a false vision spell and expands them over a fairly large area. This creates a powerful protection from both scrying and direct observation. When casting the spell, you dictate what will and will not be observed in the spell's area. The illusion created must be stated in general terms. Once the conditions are set, they cannot be changed.

Attempts to scry the area automatically detect the image stated by you with no save allowed. Sight and sound are appropriate to the illusion created.

Direct observation may allow a save (as per a normal illusion), if there is cause to disbelieve what is seen. Even entering the area does not cancel the illusion or necessarily allow a save, assuming that hidden beings take care to stay out of the way of those affected by the illusion.