
Storm Of Vengeance

9th level Conjuration

Classes: Oracle, Witch

Domains: Generic, Lightning, Weather

Components: V, S

Casting Time: 1 rd

Range: 500 ft

Effect: 360-ft.-radius storm cloud

Duration: 1 minute

Saving Throw: See text

Spell Resistance: Yes

Description: This spell creates an enormous black storm cloud. Lightning and crashing claps of thunder appear within the storm. Each creature beneath the cloud must succeed on a CON save or be deafened for 1d4x10 minutes. The spell generates additional effects in each following round, as noted below. Each effect occurs during your turn.

2nd Round: Acid rains down in the area, dealing 1d6 points of acid damage (no save).

3rd Round: You call six bolts of lightning down from the cloud. You decide where the bolts strike. No two bolts may be directed at the same target. Each bolt deals 10d6 points of electricity damage. A creature struck can attempt a DEX save for half damage.

4th Round: Hailstones rain down in the area, dealing 5d6 points of bludgeoning damage (no save).

5th through 10th Rounds: Violent rain and wind gusts reduce visibility. Targets gains 1/4 cover for every 5 feet of distance (full cover at 20 feet). At ¾ cover, the storm obscures all sight, including darkvision. Speed is reduced by three-quarters.

Ranged attacks within the area of the storm are impossible. Spells cast within the area are disrupted unless the caster succeeds on a Concentration check (using your spell save DC)