
Swarm Shape

6th level Transmutation

Classes: Witch

Components: V, S

Casting Time: Standard

Range: Self

Target: Self

Duration: 1 hour or special (D)

Spell Resistance: No

Description: You change yourself into a flying swarm of bats, splitting your consciousness into a hive-mind of hundreds of smaller lifeforms. All equipment you have melds into your swarm form, nullifying effects of worn magical items. You assume the creature type of animal (swarm) with the following properties.

You maintain all of your other stats (hit points, skills, saving throws), though you are unable to attack regularly. Instead, you attack as a swarm by moving into your opponent's square. Doing so automatically provokes an attack of opportunity and inflicts 1d6 piercing damage, 1 bleed damage, and forces your target to make a Con save or spend their next standard action retching from nausea.

When your hit points reach 0 or your swarm encounters high winds, it is dispersed and your bats scatter in various directions. Your consciousness is too diffuse to function, and you are helpless until the swarm reforms, which takes 1d4 hours. After re-forming, you are returned to your original form with your remaining hit points. If these had been reduced to 0, then you are automatically stable.