
Swift Girding

1st level Transmutation

Classes: Magus, Sorcerer, Wizard

Domains: War

Components: V, S, F (the armor to be worn)

Casting Time: Standard

Range: 60 ft

Target: One willing creature/level

Duration: Instantaneous

Spell Resistance: Yes

Description: With a sweep of your hand, you select a number of targets and the same number of suits of armor. The targets of this spell are immediately clad in the armor that you choose. The subjects of the spell must be capable of wearing the chosen armor, cannot be wearing other armor, and must be able to properly fit into the chosen armor. The chosen armor must be empty and cannot be currently worn by another creature (thus you cannot move armor from one wearer to another with this spell). Creatures armored with this spell are considered to have donned the armor properly.

Level 0: You can instantly remove armor from a willing target.