

4th level Abjuration

Classes: Oracle, Sorcerer, Witch, Wizard

Domains: Blood, Death, Destruction, Mind, Sickness, Traps

Components: V, S, M (Mercury and phosphorus, plus powdered diamond and opal with a total value of at least 5,000 gp each)

Casting Time: 10 min, ritual

Range: 0 ft

Effect: One Symbol

Duration: See Text

Saving Throw: Varies

Spell Resistance: Yes

Description: This spell allows you to scribe a potent rune of power upon a surface that can be triggered to unleash a powerful magic effect. The symbol remains inactive and barely visible until triggered. When triggered, the symbol becomes active and glows for 10 minutes per caster level, affecting all creatures within 60 feet. When scribing the rune, you choose one effect for the symbol. Casting symbol at higher levels unlocks different effects (see Leveling).

For a symbol to trigger, it must be in plain sight, uncovered, and stationary. Symbols cannot be thrown or placed on weapons. When scribing the symbol, you select how a creature must interact with the rune to trigger it (reading, touching, looking at, passing over, etc.). You can also scribe the symbol to be only triggered by certain targets, making your trigger criteria as elaborate as you wish as long as it relies on in-game characteristics (including alignment) but not intangible stats (hit points, class level). When scribing the rune, you may also select a password, allowing each creature who utters it to pass through the symbol's range without triggering it. This password must be spoken aloud each time a creature leaves and re-enters range. Creatures that leave the symbol's range and re-enter are affected by it again.

Symbols can be removed by a successful dispel magic spell targeted solely at the rune. An erase spell has no effect. Destruction of the surface of a symbol destroys the symbol but also triggers it. Anyone can find a symbol by making a Traps check against your DC, but only a Rogue can use Traps to disable it.


At level 4 (Symbol of Striking): Once triggered, all creatures in range must make an intelligence save or be convinced that an illusory version of you is attacking them. Each round a creature is in range of the symbol, the illusion attacks them using your spell attack and dealing 3d6 points of psychic damage each time it hits. The illusionary image will not follow creatures who move beyond the symbol's range.

Level 4 (Symbol of Healing): The first time a creature enters range of an active symbol of healing they gain 3d8 hp. Undead take damage the first time they enter range (wisdom save halves).

Level 4 (Symbol of Exsanguination): Each creature in the symbol's radius who fails a constitution save begins to bleed uncontrollably, taking 1d6 bleed damage and gain level 2 fatigue until the bleed damage is removed.

Level 5 (Symbol of Pain): Creatures who fail a constitution save are wracked with pain for 1 hour, inflicting disadvantage on all rolls.

Level 5 (Symbol of Sleep): Creatures in range who fail a charisma save fall into an enchanted sleep for 3d6x10 minutes. Sleeping creatures cannot be awakened before this time. Creatures with more than 10 HD are not affected by symbol of sleep.

Level 6 (Symbol of Fear): Creatures in range who fail a wisdom save become frightened (level 4) for 1 round per caster level.

Level 6 (Symbol of Persuasion): Creatures in range who fail a charisma save are charmed by the caster for 1 hour.

Level 7 (Symbol of Stunning): Creature in range who fail a constitution save are stunned (level 3) for 1d6 rounds.

Level 7 (Symbol of Weakness): Creatures in range who fail a strength save suffer a crippling weakness that deals 3d6 points of strength damage.

Level 8 (Symbol of Insanity): Creatures in range who fail an intelligence save become permanently confused, though restoration (level 7), heal, miracle, or wish will cure this insanity.

Level 8 (Symbol of Death): The symbol slays one or more creatures whose combined total current hit points do not exceed 150. The symbol of death affects the closest creatures first, skipping creatures with too many hit points or those who succeed on a constitution save.

At level 8, when cast with an extra material component (20,000 gp. worth of diamond dust), this spell has a duration of Permanent. A disabled symbol becomes inactive for 10 minutes.