
Touch Of The Sea

1st level Transmutation

Classes: Alchemist, Sorcerer, Wizard

Domains: Water

Components: V, S, M (a fish scale)

Casting Time: Standard

Range: Touch

Target: Creature touched

Duration: 10 minutes (D)

Spell Resistance: Yes

Description: You cause webs to grow between the target's fingers and its feet to transform into flippers, granting a swim speed of 30 feet along with the standard +8 competence bonus on swim checks. You also automatically succeed on any swim check with a DC less than 20, and you can also use the run action while swimming, provided you swim in a straight line. This transformation causes any boots or gloves the target is wearing to meld into its form (although magic items with a continuous effect continue to function). This spell does not grant the target any ability to breathe water.