

8th level Teleportation/Summoning

Classes: Sorcerer, Witch, Wizard

Domains: Creation, Planes

Components: S

Casting Time: Standard

Range: 30 ft

Target: One door

Duration: 1 hour

Spell Resistance: Yes

Description: You create a shadowy door on a flat solid surface that you can see within range. The door is large enough to allow Medium creatures to pass through unhindered. When opened, the door leads to an extra-dimensional space that appears to be an empty room 20 feet in each dimension, made of wood or stone. The spell can be dismissed any time, ending the spell immediately, otherwise the door remains in place for 1 hour. When the spell ends, the door disappears, and any creatures or objects inside the room remain trapped there, as the door also disappears from the other side. Each time you cast this spell, you can create a new vault, or have the shadowy door connect to a vault you created with a previous casting of this spell. Casting the spell only creates an opening from your current plane to a vault, not the other way around. Creatures still can enter and leave a vault through other forms of extra-dimensional travel, such as Plane Shift or Astral Projection.