
Wood Shape

2nd level Transmutation


Domains: Creation, Plant

Components: V, S

Casting Time: Standard

Range: 30 ft

Effect: One touched piece of wood (medium sized or smaller)

Target: One piece of wood (medium sized or smaller)

Duration: Instantaneous

Spell Resistance: Yes

Description: Wood shape enables you to form one existing piece of wood into any shape that suits your purpose. While it is possible to make crude coffers, doors, and so forth, fine detail isn't possible. There is a 30% chance that any shape that includes moving parts simply doesn't work. You can also cause wood to bend and warp, permanently destroying its straightness, form, and strength. A warped door springs open (or becomes stuck, requiring a Strength check to open, at your option). A boat or ship springs a leak. Warped ranged weapons are useless. A warped melee weapon causes disadvantage on attack rolls. You can also use this spell to unwarp wood, reversing any of these effects.