

The following is a list of infusions available to spellwrights. You automatically know all infusions for levels that you have access to. Some infusions mimic spell effects. These infusions always take a standard action to cast even if the standard spell says otherwise. Some infusions take effect immediately (on casting). Others take effect when the infused item is interacted with in some way (e.g. worn). Others are triggered by other conditions. These are all listed in the trigger field. The duration field indicates when the infusion itself wears off. Sometimes infusions are "permanent." These last until the infusion is dispelled, dismissed, or until you die. Others have limited durations. Unless explicitly sated, Infusions don't require concentration to maintain their duration.

Level 1 Infusions

Add Masterwork Property

Target: weapon, armor, or shield

Trigger: on casting

Duration: permanent

Effect: You can add a 1-point masterwork property to an item. If the property grants an enhancement bonus (e.g. +1, +2, etc.), this doesn't stack with any enhancement bonus already on a masterwork item. When infused at level 2 or higher, you can infuse an equivalent number of masterwork points into the item (two points can be used to add a 2-point property, three points can add a 3-point property, etc.). You can also mix and match various properties if they total correctly.


Target: one item

Trigger: on-casting

Duration: permanent

Effect: The item you infuse has an alarm set on it that will trigger if touched. The alarm may be a mental alarm that only you hear (range 1 mile) or an audible one that anyone within 60 feet can hear.

Alter Aura

Target: any object up to 100 lbs.

Trigger: on-casting

Duration: permanent

Effect: You alter an item's aura so it registers differently on detect spells. This functions as per the magic aura spell.

Armor of Awareness

Target: clothing or armor worn on the torso

Trigger: use-activated (worn)

Duration: permanent

Effect: When worn, the object sprouts extra eyes, including on the back. The wearer gains all-around vision and cannot be surprised. Enemies do not get sneak attack against the target unless they are flat-footed.

Boots of Speed

Target: boots

Trigger: use-activated (worn)

Duration: permanent

Effect: the wearer can use their bonus action to move their movement speed again, provided they have also used their movement speed to move.


Target: wearable item

Trigger: use-activated (worn)

Duration: permanent or until an attack is made

Effect: The worn item helps you and your equipment to match that of your surroundings. This grants you advantage on Stealth checks and allows you to make Stealth checks without cover, but only while you move no more than half your base speed. If you make an attack, this infusion ends.

Comprehend Languages

Target: wearable item

Trigger: use-activated (worn)

Duration: permanent

Effect: The wearer of the item can understand the spoken words of creatures or read otherwise incomprehensible written messages, as per the spell.

Delay Potion

Target: potion or oil

Trigger: use-activated (imbibed or used) then activated

Duration: until activated

Effect: You infuse a potion or oil, causing its effects to remain inert until activated by the person who imbibes it. Activating the potion then takes a bonus action. Oils can similarly be activated at any time by the wielder of the object. The infusion on the potion remains active and counts toward your total number of infused items until activated or dismissed, even if the potion is imbibed. If you dismiss or dispel the infusion on the potion before it is activated, the potion remains inert and useless.

Disguise Item

Target: any manufactured item

Trigger: on casting

Duration: permanent

Effect: You can disguise one item, making it look like a different item. Both the targeted object and the chosen illusion must be manufactured items that are small enough to be carried. Both must also be of comparable size. Aside from that, the extent of the apparent change is up to you. You could even add or obscure a minor feature or make the item look like it is composed of different materials (stone, wood, adamantine, and so on). The spell does not provide any of the abilities of the chosen form, nor does it alter the perceived tactile or audible properties of the item or how it is wielded. A creature that interacts with the item may attempt an INT save to recognize it as an illusion.

Endure Elements

Target: any wearable item

Trigger: use-activated (worn)

Duration: permanent

Effect: A creature protected by endure elements suffers no harm from being in a hot or cold environment. It can exist comfortably in conditions between –50 and 140 degrees Fahrenheit without having to make CON saves). The creature's equipment is likewise protected. Endure elements doesn't provide any protection from fire or cold damage, nor does it protect against other environmental hazards such as smoke, lack of air, and so forth.

Enhance Shield

Target: shield

Trigger: on-casting

Duration: permanent

Effect: This infusion augments a shield with magical energy, granting it a +4 instead of a +2 bonus to AC.

Enlarge Bow

Target: bow or crossbow

Trigger: on casting

Duration: permanent

Effect: items fired from the bow or crossbow are larger and more powerful than normal, granting a +2 bonus to damage.

Enlarge Person

Target: any item being worn

Trigger: use activated (worn)

Duration: 1 min / level

Effect: the wearer grows one size larger, per the Enlarge Person spell.

Feather Fall

Target: any wearable item

Trigger: target begins to fall

Duration: until the target lands on the ground again

Effect: the wearer falls slowly, as per the Feather Fall spell

Inscribe Fiery Runes

Target: any weapon

Trigger: when a target is wounded with an attack by the infused weapon

Duration: instantaneous when triggered

Effect: a burst of flame is discharged dealing 1d4+1 points of fire damage per level (max 3d4+3).

Greasy Item

Target: any object

Trigger: on casting

Duration: permanent

Effect: The item is covered with a layer of grease. Each round someone attempts to hold the item, they must make a DEX saving throw or drop it. If cast on armor, the wearer gains a +10 circumstance bonus to avoiding grapples.

Guardian Armor

Target: your armor

Trigger: reaction

Duration: until triggered

Effect: The armor you are wearing is teleported to another ally within 30 ft. The armor remains the same size, so the target must be able to fit it. If the target is already wearing armor, it is removed from their body and falls undamaged into an adjacent square.

Hardened Item

Target: one item

Trigger: on-casting

Duration: permanent

Effect: You infuse an item to add 5 to its hardness. This infusion can be cast at higher levels. At level 2 and level 3, it adds 8 and 10 points of hardness.

Identifiable Item

Target: any magic item

Material Component: a pearl of 100 gp. value, which is consumed when infused

Trigger: on casting

Duration: 1 minute

Effect: The target item is easier to identify, granting anyone attempting to do so a +10 to their magic items check.

Illusory Script

Target: any item that can be written on

Trigger: on casting

Duration: permanent

Effect: You infuse an item with magical, illusionary writing that conveys a secret message (as per the Illusory Script spell)

Item of Nondetection

Target: any wearable object

Material Component: pinch of diamond dust worth 25 gp.

Trigger: use-activated (worn)

Duration: permanent

Effect: The creature wearing the warded object becomes difficult to detect by divination spells. All divinations of first level and lower automatically fail. Spells higher than that must succeed on a spell attack against your DC to be successful. This infusion can be cast at higher levels. In doing so, it automatically defends against divination spells of the same level or lower. Higher level spells must still make a spell attack, as usual.

Jump Boots

Target: boots

Trigger: use-activated (worn)

Duration: permanent

Effect: The wearer of these boots gets a +10 enhancement bonus to jump-related checks.


Target: Any damaged item that is not a construct

Trigger: on casting

Duration: permanent or until the item is destroyed

Effect: The damaged item functions as if it had full integrity points. This makes it so that the item functions normally, but it doesn't actually repair the structure of the item or grant additional integrity points. The item will still be destroyed if it runs out of actual integrity points.


Target: any object

Trigger: on-casting

Duration: permanent

Effect: The targeted item glows like a torch as if it were the target of the light spell.

Metamagic Scroll

Target: magic scroll

Trigger: on-casting

Duration: until the scroll is used

Effect: You can apply any metamagic technique you know that has an adjustment of 2 levels or less to the scroll, even if the scroll was prepared without metamagic.

Peacebound Weapon

Target: a weapon in a sheath, holster, or quiver

Trigger: on casting

Duration: permanent

Effect: You lock a weapon in place in its container. Drawing the weapon requires a standard action and a strength check to succeed. If cast on a weapon that is already in someone's possession, you must succeed on a touch attack to make this infusion happen.

Power Surge

Target: wand

Trigger: on casting

Duration: until the wand is used again

Effect: You infuse power into a wand preventing it from losing its charges. The next time you use the wand to cast a level 1 spell, you do not need to roll to see if the charges in the wand decay. To infuse wands that cast higher level spells, use higher level infusions (level 2 infusion can charge up to a level 2 wand, a level 3 infusion can charge up to a level 3 wand, etc.). Any given wand can only be infused once per day.

Protective Item

Target: any wearable object

Trigger: use-activated (worn)

Duration: 1 min/level

Effect: The spell protects the wearer as per the Protection spell.

Reduce Person

Target: any item being worn

Trigger: use activated (worn)

Duration: 1 min / level

Effect: The wearer shrinks one size smaller, per the spell.

Shadow Weapon

Target: none

Trigger: on-casting

Duration: 10 minutes

Effect: Drawing upon the Plane of Shadow, you shape a quasi-real melee weapon of a type you are proficient with. You may use this weapon to make attacks as if it were a real weapon, dealing 2d6 psychic damage when you hit. If the weapon leaves your possession it dissipates in a cloud of smoke and shadow, but as long as the spell persists, you can re-summon it as a bonus action. At 5th level, the weapon becomes a +1 masterwork weapon. At 10th-level, you may increase the enhancement bonus to +2 or add the frost or keen weapon property.

Shock Shield

Target: none

Trigger: on-casting

Duration: permanent

Effect: You create a spectral shield that grants +2 AC bonus, as usual. At any time, the bearer of the shield can dismiss it, dealing 1d6 points of electrical damage to creatures, except its bearer, in a 5-foot burst (DEX halves).

Stone Fists

Target: gloves or gauntlets

Trigger: use-activated (worn)

Duration: permanent

Effect: When worn, these gloves become as hard as stone. Any unarmed strikes with them deal 1d8 points of bludgeoning damage. In addition, when dealing damage to an object with your unarmed strikes, treat the object's hardness as 5 points lower than normal (min 1).

Unseen Servant

Target: none

Trigger: on-casting

Duration: permanent

Effect: You create an unseen servant that performs tasks that you command, as per the Unseen Servant spell. At level 2, per the spell, you can create a servant capable of crafting items.

Windy Escape

Target: any worn item

Trigger: mental trigger (after being worn)

Duration: permanent until activated

Effect: As a reaction to a successful attack against them, the wearer of this item can activate it causing them to become temporarily insubstantial. They gain weapon resistance 10 against the one attack and are immune to poison, sneak attack, and critical hits from it. After it is used, the infusion is discharged.

Level 2 Infusions

Add Magical Properties

Target: weapon, armor, or shield

Trigger: on casting

Duration: permanent

Effect: You can add a tier-1 magical item property to the item you are infusing. For each infusion level above 2nd, the tier level you can add increases by 1 (tier 2 properties when infused at level 3, tier 3 properties when infused at level 4, etc.). Note, you cannot infuse multiple damage-dealing properties to a single item.

Animal Aspect

Target: any worn item

Trigger: use-activated (worn)

Duration: permanent

Effect: You gain the aspect of one animal, chosen when you cast this infusion, as per the Animal Aspect spell.

Animated Object

Target: a mundane object up to tiny sized

Trigger: on casting

Duration: permanent

Effect: You imbue an inanimate object with mobility and the semblance of life. The objects immediately attack whomever you designate. You can change targets later as a move action. You cannot animate objects worn or carried by others. See Animate Object creature template. At level 3, you can animate a small object, and at level 4 you can animate a medium one.

Blood Armor

Target: armor or clothing worn on the torso

Trigger: use-activated (worn)

Duration: 10 minutes

Effect: Your blood becomes as hard as iron upon contact with air. Each time you take at least 5 points of piercing or slashing damage, your armor gains a +1 enhancement bonus to your AC. This enhancement bonus stacks with itself, but not with an existing enhancement bonus, to a maximum enhancement bonus of +5. This infusion has no effect while you are underwater or in an environment that lacks air. Once the infusion wears off, the blood becomes liquid again

and you lose the extra AC bonuses.

Book of Knowledge

Target: a blank book costing at least 25 gp.

Trigger: on casting

Duration: 1 round / level (max 5)

Effect: The book's pages fill up with selections of information from countless books around the world. You can spend up to the infusion's duration studying the book, after which the arcane energy consumes the books, turning it to ash. The round after studying the book, you can attempt a knowledge check with a +1 bonus for each round spent studying.

Boots of Blurring

Target: boots

Trigger: use-activated (worn)

Duration: permanent

Effect: While the infused object is worn, your appearance is blurred granting you 1/4 cover. Opponents that cannot see the subject ignore the spell's effect (though fighting an unseen opponent carries penalties of its own).

Boots of Escape

Target: boots

Trigger: use-activated (worn)

Duration: permanent

Effect: You gain extra maneuverability when you avoid attacks against larger foes. While affected by this infusion, when you are attacked and missed by a creature that is at least one size category larger than you, you can, as a reaction, move up to 5 feet away from the attacking creature. You can increase this movement by 5 feet for every 5 caster levels. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

Boots of Spider Climb

Target: Boots

Trigger: use activated (worn)

Duration: permanent

Effect: The wearer can climb and travel on vertical surfaces or even traverse ceilings as well as a spider does. The affected creature must have its hands free to climb in this manner. The subject gains a climb speed of 20 feet; furthermore, it need not make Athletics/Climb checks to traverse a vertical or horizontal surface (even upside down). A spider climbing creature retains its Dexterity bonus to Armor Class (if any) while climbing, and opponents get no special bonus to their attacks against it.

Boots of the Winding Path

Target: Boots

Trigger: use activated (worn)

Duration: permanent

Effect: You can infuse a pair of boots to allow you to teleport up to 15 feet away as a bonus action. The target space must be unoccupied, visible, and must be a space you travelled to during your turn.

Compass of Locating

Target: compass

Trigger: on casing

Duration: 1 min / level

Effect: The infused compass points the direction of a well-known or clearly visualized object. You can search for general items, in which case you locate the nearest one of its kind if more than one is within range. You can also attempt to locate a specific object provided you have seen it up close before (within 30 feet).

Continual Flame

Target: torch, lantern, candle, or other vessel containing lit fire

Trigger: on casting

Duration: permanent

Effect: The flame in the object becomes magical and cannot be extinguished through mundane means.

Defensive Shock Armor

Target: armor

Trigger: use-activated (worn)

Duration: until the charge is dissipated

Effect: The next creature (friend or foe) that touches you takes 2d6 hp of electricity damage. The next touch deals half the original damage (rounded down), and each subsequent touch continues to halve the previous damage until none remains, at which point the infusion ends.

Gashing Weapon

Target: slashing melee weapon

Trigger: on casting

Duration: permanent until discharged

Effect: You imbue a slashing melee weapon with the ability to deal a gruesome head wound. When the target weapon hits a living creature, in addition to the normal effects of that hit, the wielder can discharge this spell as a free action to open a gash on the target's forehead that deals bleed damage equal to half your caster level. If the gash is still bleeding after three rounds, the target treats all enemies as having 1/4 cover. At 5 rounds, the target is blinded. Stopping the bleeding ends the gash's effects.

Force Weapon

Target: a weapon

Trigger: use-activated (thrown at target)

Duration: 1 round / level after triggering

Effect: The thrown weapon turns into a weapon of pure force and proceeds to attack your target. This functions as per the spell Spiritual Weapon except that you use your INT bonus instead of a WIS bonus.

Gloves of the Adder

Target: glove or gauntlet

Trigger: on casting

Duration: 1 minute

Effect: One of your arms turns into a snake that you can cause to attack people. You can control the snake as if it were a limb of your own body. Any damage done to the snake is split, half to the snake, half to you. Once the snake runs out of hit points, the infusion dissolves.

Snake -- Attack Bonus: Spell Attack Bonus. HP: 1d4. Melee: Bite (1d4) + Poison (Onset: Immediate,

Effect: 1d2 CON damage per round for 6 rounds, Cure: CON Save)

Helm of Darkvision

Target: an item worn on the head

Trigger: use-activated (worn)

Duration: permanent

Effect: The wearer gains darkvision 60.

Item of Invisibility

Target: any worn item

Trigger: use activated (worn)

Duration: 10 minutes

Effect: The creature wearing the infused item becomes invisible. The infusion ends if the subject attacks any creature. Any spell that targets a foe counts as an attack, even if the spell is harmless. You may still cast beneficial spells on allies, or direct spells or attacks at unattended objects. You may also cause indirect harm to foes (triggering traps, summoning monsters, releasing attack dogs). The GM will determine when an indirect attack becomes a direct attack. Once the subject attacks, she immediately becomes visible.

Luck Charm

Target: any worn or held item

Trigger: on casting

Duration: until used

Effect: You can infuse an object with luck, allowing you to re-roll a dice roll. You must decide to re-roll before to know the results of the first roll, and the new roll must be used, even if worse. If the object you infuse is clothing or armor, then the re-roll may be made on a saving throw. If it is a weapon, then you may re-roll one attack. You can only use luck once per long rest.

Magic Mouth

Target: any hand-held object

Trigger: specified trigger

Duration: until discharged

Effect: You implant a message in an object, as per the Magic Mouth spell. Once the mouth has delivered its message, the infusion ends.

Molten Orb

Target: a ball of metal

Trigger: on-casting

Duration: instantaneous

Effect: You infuse a metal ball with arcane energy and throw it at a target. In mid-flight it melts into a red-hot ball of molten metal. Make a normal ranged attack to hit. A direct hit deals 2d6 points of fire damage, and creatures within 5 feet take 1d6 points of splash damage (DEX saves for half).

Pendant of Gentle Repose

Target: piece of jewelry

Trigger: use activated (worn)

Duration: permanent

Effect: While the infused object is worn by a dead creature, they do not decay, nor can they be turned into undead. Days spent under the influence of this spell don't count against the time limit for resurrection.

Phantom Trap

Target: lock or small mechanism

Trigger: on casting

Duration: duration

Effect: You make the target appear to be trapped. Anyone who can detect traps is 100% certain the mechanism is trapped. If the mechanism is opened, there is no effect as the trap is merely illusory.

Protection from Arrows

Target: armor

Trigger: use-activated (worn)

Duration: once the infusion has prevented 10 points of damage per caster level

Effect: The wearer of the target armor gains resistance 10 against ranged weapons.

Reloading Hands

Target: ranged weapon (non-firearm)

Trigger: on casting

Duration: 1 round / level

Effect: The infused weapon re-loads automatically with conjured, magical ammunition, which disappears after it hits the target.

See Invisibility

Target: an item worn on the head

Trigger: on casting

Duration: permanent

Effect: The wearer can see being that are invisible in normal vision range, as well as any that are ethereal.

Status Stones

Target: a collection of up to 4 similarly sized stones

Trigger: on casting

Duration: permanent

Effect: The stones are infused with the ability to track the status of those who hold them. The spellwright knows the targets' relative positions and the following conditions affecting them: unharmed, wounded, disabled, staggered, unconscious, dying, nauseated, frightened (all levels), stunned, poisoned, diseased, confused, or the like.

Twisted Innards

Target: armor or clothing worn on the torso

Trigger: use activated (worn)

Duration: permanent

Effect: The wearer's vital organs writhe, shift and move about, causing critical hits and sneak attacks a 25% chance of failing.

Umbral Weapon

Target: melee weapon

Trigger: on casting

Duration: 1 round / level

Effect: A shadowy afterimage trails behind the targeted weapon, potentially damaging foes even when the weapon misses. Once per round, when the weapon's wielder misses a creature with the target weapon, the wielder can reroll the attack. If the reroll hits, the afterimage hits the targeted creature and deals 2d4 points of cold damage.

Warding Weapon

Target: one melee weapon

Trigger: weapon thrown into the air

Duration: permanent

Effect: When the infused weapon is thrown into the air, it takes a defensive position over the thrower, hindering melee attacks and granting advantage on concentrations checks made from damage taken from them.

Level 3 Infusions

Blade Snare

Target: armor

Trigger: use activated (worn)

Duration: permanent

Effect: You are surrounded by an invisible magic that prevents weapons from being retracted after they hit you. When you are hit with a melee attack, make a spell attack using the spellwright's bonus. If your roll is higher than your opponent's attack roll, your opponent's attacking weapon or body part becomes caught in the field, as if magically affixed to your body. They gain the grappled condition, though they may avoid this by releasing the weapon. If they are your size or smaller, they are considered dominated. On their turn, a stuck opponent may attempt to free themselves from the field by making a successful grapple check. You use the spellwright's spell attack to oppose this check. While blade snare is active, you may make melee attacks and cast spells as normal, though you may not make ranged weapon attacks; the magic field thwarts such attacks. You may not snare more than one limb or weapon in the field at a time. If you already have an opponent's weapon or limb stuck in the field and you are hit by a second melee attack, you must choose which weapon or limb to snare.

Blast Rod

Target: rod

Trigger: on casting

Duration: until all d8 worth of damage are used

Effect: You can infuse a rod, causing it to store up 1d8 points of force damage per level. Anyone holding the rod can release this energy, all at once or a few dice at a time, by targeting a creature within 60 feet with a spell attack. If the attack misses, dice committed to the attack are lost. Blast rods cannot be dispelled or dismissed, and they remain infused with your points until your next long rest, even after they run out of energy.

Boots of Blinking

Target: boots

Trigger: use activated (worn)

Duration: 1 minute

Effect: You blink back and forth between the Material Plane and the Ethereal Plane (as per the Blink spell).

Boots of Flying

Target: boots

Trigger: use activated (worn)

Duration: 10 minutes

Effect: The wearer can fly as per the fly spell.

Bouncing Wand

Target: wand

Trigger: on casting

Duration: permanent

Effect: You tweak a wand so that when your spell has no effect on a targeted creature, you may bounce the spell off of them and attempt to target one new creature in range. Re-directing the spell takes a bonus action. The spell affects the new target as if it were the original target of the spell. The spell must target a single creature. You cannot use bouncing spell with effect or area effect spells. If the target takes any effect at all from a failed save, then it cannot be bounced. Tweaking a wand to function like this takes 1 hour of work.

Cauterizing Weapon

Target: One weapon or 50 projectiles, all of which must be together at the time of casting

Trigger: on casting

Duration: permanent

Effect: The infused weapons cannot be healed with regeneration or fast healing.

Cloak of Winds

Target: cloak

Trigger: on casting

Duration: 10 minutes

Effect: You shroud a creature in a whirling screen of strong, howling wind. The wearer is never checked or blown away by strong winds of severe or lesser strength (whether natural or magically created), and ranged attack rolls against the subject are made at disadvantage. Tiny or smaller creatures must succeed at a CON save to successfully touch or attack the subject in melee. Failure knocks the attacker prone and pushes it 5 feet away from the subject per level of the caster. This movement can pass through the squares of other creatures without affecting them and does not provoke attacks of opportunity, but the creature takes 2d6 points damage (non-lethal) if the creature strikes something.

Elemental Wand

Target: wand

Trigger: on casting

Duration: permanent

Effect: If you spend 1 hour modifying your wand and performing this infusion, you can replace half of the damage type the wand normally does with one energy type of your choice (acid, cold, electricity, fire). The remain half of the damage remains unchanged.

Enhance Wand

Target: wand

Trigger: on casting

Duration: permanent

Effect: If you spend 1 hour modifying your wand and performing this infusion, you can adjust its magic to either double its range or its duration.

Fake Item

Target: one object held in your hand

Trigger: on casting

Duration: 1 minute / level

Effect: An item held in your hand is instantly transported to a pocket or bag on your person and seamlessly replaced with an illusory duplicate that mimics the original in terms of appearance, weight, and other factors. This allows you to switch an object in plain view of others, or to switch them secretly when making a sleight of hand check. Actively examining the fake with an Appraisal or Perception check grants a creature an INT save, but on a failed saving throw, it concludes that the fake is the genuine article. The illusion isn't a functional item.

Gloves of Paralysis

Target: glove or gauntlet

Trigger: on casting

Duration: permanent

Effect: When you touch (spell attack) a living humanoid creature with the infused glove or gauntlet, they become paralyzed (level 2, CON negates). Each round on its turn, the target may attempt a new saving throw to end the effect. The paralysis lasts until a successful save, until the infusion is dismissed, or until 1 minute has passed. After use, the glove requires 1d4+1 rounds to recharge before being used again.

Jewelry of False Death

Target: a piece of jewelry

Trigger: use activated (worn)

Duration: 1 hour

Effect: A creature who willingly wears the infused jewelry falls into a state that resembles death. While in this state, the subject can hear, smell, and taste, but cannot feel or see. The subject need not eat, breathe, or drink while affected by this spell. Any damage suffered while in this state is halved, and the target is immune to paralyzing effects, life drain, poison, and mental effects.

Gloves of Force

Target: glove or gauntlet

Trigger: use activated (punch)

Duration: instantaneous

Effect: A successful unarmed melee attack with the infused item deals 6d4 points of force damage and pushes the target 15 feet away from you in a straight line. For every size category of the target above Medium, reduce the distance pushed by 5 feet (-5 feet for Large, -10 feet for Huge, -15 for Gargantuan, and -20 feet for Colossal) to a minimum of 0 feet. A successful STR save negates the movement but not the damage. You may only use this infusion once per short rest.

Inscribe Explosive Runes

Target: one touched object weighing no more than 10 lbs. that contains written information

Trigger: on casting

Duration: until detonated

Effect: You infuse mystic runes on an object. When read, the runes explode dealing 6d6 points of force damage. Those adjacent to the runes take this damage without a saving throw. Any others within 10 feet must make a DEX save for half. The target object takes no damage. When infusing the object, you can specify certain characters who can read the runes without detonating them. The runes count as a magical trap.

Inscribe Sepia Snake Sigil

Target: One touched book or written work

Trigger: on casting

Duration: until discharged

Effect: You cause a small symbol to appear in a text that conjures a sepia snake when read, as per the spell.

Helm of Air Breathing

Target: any worn item on the head

Trigger: use activated (worn)

Duration: permanent

Effect: Creature who wears the object can breathe air freely, even if it normally can't. At level 12, you can create 4 helms at once, provided they are infused at the same time. These all count as one infusion.

Helm of Disguise

Target: any worn item on the head

Trigger: use activated (worn)

Duration: permanent

Effect: Anyone wearing the infused object takes on a different appearance (as per the disguise spell). You choose the image in question when you infuse the object.

Helm of Tongues

Target: any worn item on the head

Trigger: use activated (worn)

Duration: permanent

Effect: The wearer can speak and understand the language of any intelligent creature, one language at a time.

Helm of Water Breathing

Target: any worn item on the head

Trigger: use activated (worn)

Duration: permanent

Effect: The wearer can breathe water freely. At level 12, you can create 4 helms at once, provided they are infused at the same time. These all count as one infusion.

Lingering Wand

Target: wand with an instantaneous and area effect spell

Trigger: on casting

Duration: permanent

Effect: If you spend 1 hour modifying your wand and performing this infusion, you can cause the area affected by the wand to persist until the beginning of your next turn. Those already in the area suffer no additional harm, but other creatures or objects entering the area are subject to its effects. A lingering spell with a visual manifestation obscures vision, providing cover as per Cloud (level 1).

Magic Circle

Target: a circle of powdered silver worth 50 gp

Trigger: on casting

Duration: 24 hours

Effect: You create a magic circle that protects you from certain types of creatures (see Magic Circle spell).

Piercing Wand

Target: wand

Trigger: on casting

Duration: permanent

Effect: If you spend 1 hour modifying your wand and performing this infusion, you can cause it to pierce spell resistance (SR) better. SR is treated as 5 points lower against the wand's effects.


Target: a mechanical device

Trigger: on casting

Duration: permanent

Effect: The mechanic device you touch stops working. Gears seize up, pieces temporarily rust, levers won't pull properly, and so forth. Items are stuck in their most recent state (i.e. gates are stuck open, catapults cannot be reset). This infusion doesn't cause the item to actually break, and it resumes normal functioning after the infusion is dismissed, though items can still be destroyed through normal means while incapacitated.

Secret Page

Target: a page of text

Trigger: on casting

Duration: permanent

Effect: You alter the contents of a page so that they appear to be something entirely different. The text of a spell can be changed to show even another spell. Explosive runes or sepia snake sigil can be cast upon the secret page. You alone can swap the fake and original text by touching the page.

Shrink Item

Target: One touched object of up to 15 cu. Ft

Trigger: on casting

Duration: permanent

Effect: The item shrinks to 1/16 of its normal size (approx. four size categories). You can optionally also change the shrunken object to a clothlike one. Objects changed by a shrink item infusion can be returned to normal composition and size merely by tossing them onto any solid surface or by a word of command from the original caster. Even a burning fire and its fuel can be shrunk by this infusion. Restoring the shrunken object to its normal size and composition ends the infusion.

Stealthy Wand

Target: wand

Trigger: on casting

Duration: permanent

Effect: You tweak a wand, so that using it doesn't require any verbal or somatic components.

Suppress Magical Item

Target: magical item or trap

Trigger: on casting

Duration: 1d4 rounds

Effect: By infusing a magical item, you suppress its magic for 1d4 rounds. If the magic item is being held by an enemy, you need to make a spell attack against their touch AC first. At level 4, this infusion increases the deactivation duration to 2d4 rounds. At level 6, the item is deactivated for 1 hour.

Vampiric Touch Gauntlet

Target: glove or gauntlet

Trigger: use activated (worn)

Duration: permanent

Effect: When you touch a target (spell attack) with the glove, you drain 4d6 points of necrotic damage and gain the same amount as temporary hit point. Once used, the glove requires 1d4+1 rounds to recharge before it can be used again. If you successfully hit multiple time, temporary hit points do not stack.

Level 4 Infusions

Boots of Free Movement

Target: boots

Trigger: use activated (worn)

Duration: permanent

Effect: While wearing these boots, you are free to move and attack normally under all circumstances, not hindered by stun, slow, web, or other effects. You automatically succeed on defensive grapple checks and can move unhindered underwater.

Create Fire Trap

Target: any item that can be open or closed

Trigger: opening the object

Duration: permanent until discharged

Effect: This infusion creates a fiery explosion as per the fire trap spell.

Death Ward

Target: any warn item

Trigger: use activated (worn)

Duration: permanent

Effect: The warded creature is immune to all death spells, magical death effects, life drain, and necrotic damage.

Fire Shield - Blue

Target: any wearable object

Trigger: use activated (worn)

Duration: 1 minute

Effect: You are wreathed in blue flame that causes 1d6 +1/level cold damage to anyone who hits you with a melee attack. While the shield is active, fire-based attacks deal half damage (no damage if a successful DEX save is required). Creatures with reach weapons are not affected by this shield.

Fire Shield - Red

Target: any wearable object

Trigger: use activated (worn)

Duration: 1 minute

Effect: You are wreathed in red flame that causes 1d6 +1/level fire damage to anyone who hits you with a melee attack. While the shield is active, cold-based attacks deal half damage (no damage if a successful DEX save is required). Creatures with reach weapons are not affected by this shield.

Ward Shield

Target: shield

Trigger: use activated (held)

Duration: permanent

Effect: While held, the shield grants spell resistance 10 + the spellwright's level. Instead of spell resistance, the shield offers advantage on DEX saves against area of effect spells.

Level 5 Infusions

Banishing Blade

Target: melee weapon

Trigger: on casting

Duration: 1 round / level or until discharged

Effect: You create a banishing blade, as per the spell.

Big Hand

Target: glove

Trigger: on command

Duration: 1 minute

Effect: While the infused glove is worn, if you issue the command, a large, floating, disembodied hand appears between you and one opponent. This hand functions as the per the big hand spell.

Circle of False Vision

Target: circle of jade dust spread on the ground worth 250 gp.

Trigger: on casting

Duration: permanent

Effect: You infuse a circle of jade dust (40-ft radius max) to fool any divination spell attempting to look into the area. When creating the circle, you define the image that a divination spell will see.

Domination Ring

Target: gold ring worth 500 gp.

Trigger: use activated (worn)

Duration: permanent

Effect: With this infusion you create a connection between the wearer and the spellwright, putting the wearer under their complete control, as per the dominate spell. If the wearer is tricked to put on the ring, they get an INT save to recognize that the ring is more devious than they might have thought. The wearer could also be forced to wear the ring after two successful grapple checks (one to grapple the opponent, and one to force the ring on). Helpless targets can have rings put on their fingers without resistance. Once worn, the rings cannot be physically removed until the infusion is dispelled or until a break enchantment spell is cast on them.

Magic Jar

Target: gem or crystal worth 100 gp.

Trigger: on casting

Duration: 1 hour / level

Effect: You infuse a gem with the power to hold your soul, allowing you to possess other creatures nearby. This functions as per the magic jar spell. When the infusion ends, the gem shatters and becomes worthless.

Mirror of Scrying

Target: a mirror

Trigger: on casting

Duration: 10 minutes

Effect: By infusing a mirror, you can scry on some creature as per the scrying spell. This infusion is very overwhelming and can only be performed once per day.

Potion of Stoneskin

Target: barkskin potion

Trigger: use activated (imbibed)

Duration: one the spell has prevented 100 points of damage.

Effect: The warded creature gains weapon resistance 10. Even after the potion is imbibed, the infusion remains active until dismissed or until the duration expires.

Prying Eyes

Target: a handful of crystal eyes (max 1d4 + caster level level)

Trigger: on casting

Duration: 12 hours

Effect: You create a handful of magical orbs that can be used to scout around. These function as per the prying eyes spell.

Rubberskin Potion

Target: potion of polymorph

Trigger: use activated (imbibed)

Duration: 10 minutes

Effect: After drinking this potion your skin becomes rubbery and immune to bludgeoning damage. If you take your HP max worth of bludgeoning damage from a single source, you are knocked unconscious for 1d4 minutes. Even after the potion is imbibed, the infusion remains active until dismissed or until the duration expires.

Telekinesis Ring

Target: a ring or glove

Trigger: use activated (worn)

Duration: 10 minutes

Effect: Once worn, the infused object gives you the power of telekinesis, allowing you to move objects by concentrating on them (standard action). You can move up to 1,000 lbs. of weight at your base land speed. You can also tear objects from someone else's grasp (spell attack v Strength check), or grapple with it (spell attack v. grapple check). Hurled creatures or objects fly 10 feet taking 1d6 fall damage but must make an Acrobatics check to avoid being knocked prone.

Wreath of Blades

Target: four mithral daggers

Trigger: on casting

Duration: 1 round / level

Effect: With this infusion you cause the daggers to start spinning around you. Any creature that starts its turn adjacent to you takes 5d4 points of slashing damage. The daggers also ward off attacks, granting you advantage on concentration checks made after sustaining damage.

Level 6 Infusions

Claws of the Astradaemon

Target: gloves or gauntlets

Trigger: use activated (worn)

Duration: 1 minute

Effect: Once the infused gloves are worn, your hands transform into the claws of an astradaemon. They grow long, sprout claws, and glow with an eerie phosphorescent light. Each claw deals 1d6+Str points of damage and bestows 1 HD worth of life drain on your target (CON negates). You gain 5 temporary hit points for each successful hit. Wearing these claws is draining and a creature can only use this infused item once per long rest.

Create Intelligent Item

Target: permanent magic items (not one-use, charged items, or intelligent items).

Trigger: on casting

Duration: permanent

Effect: You impart a portion of your intelligence into an item, as per the impart mind spell.

Dimensional Blade

Target: bladed melee weapon

Trigger: when activated

Duration: 1 round

Effect: You infuse a blade with the power to transform into a two-dimensional object. The infusion remains dormant until you command it, after which it turns into a 2D object for 1 round. Attacks from the sword ignore all armor and shields, except for those created from force effects (such as the mage armor or shield spells).

Potion of Fluid Form

Target: water breathing potion

Trigger: use activated (imbibed)

Duration: 10 minutes

Effect: Your body and gear assume a thick, liquid form. You gain resistance 10 to bludgeoning and piercing weapons. Your reach increases by 10. You can also pass through narrow openings, even cracks. In water, you gain a swim speed of 60, and you don't need to worry about breathing while underwater. Even after the potion is imbibed, the infusion remains active until dismissed or until the duration expires.

Potion of Transformation

Target: a potion of bull's strength

Trigger: on casting

Duration: permanent

Effect: With one hour of work, you can infuse a potion of bull's strength with the ability to transform you into a fighting machine. The transformation is strenuous on the body, so creatures can only drink a transformation potion once per day. Even after the potion is imbibed, the infusion remains active until dismissed or until the duration expires. The person who drinks the potion gains the following.

Spectacles of Arcane Sight

Target: a pair of glasses or see-through glass

Trigger: on casting

Duration: permanent

Effect: While looking through the glass, you can see magical auras within 120 feet. This functions like detect magic, though you immediately know the location and aura of each object. As a standard action, you can concentrate on a creature and determine whether they have spellcasting or spell-like abilities and the strength of the most powerful spell.