
Lycanthrope Template

Lycanthropes are humanoids who can transform themselves into animals. In its natural form, a lycanthrope looks like any other members of its kind, though natural lycanthropes and those who have been afflicted for a long time tend to have or acquire features reminiscent of their animal forms. In animal form, a lycanthrope resembles a powerful version of the normal animal, but on close inspection, its eyes (which often glow red in the dark) show a faint spark of unnatural intelligence.

Catching Lycanthrope

Lycanthropy is an affliction not a disease, though it seems to spread like one. Sometimes a lycanthrope begins life as a normal humanoid who subsequently contracts lycanthropy after being wounded by a lycanthrope. Such a creature is called an afflicted lycanthrope. On theother hand, natural lycanthropes are born with the curse.

A creature wounded by a lycanthrope must make a CON save against the creature's save DC or be infected with lycanthropy (this original save DC will become the regular DC for the curse). When the save fails, the afflicted creature shows no symptoms (and does not gain any of the template's adjustments or abilities) until the night of the next full moon, when the victim involuntarily assumes animal form and forgets his or her own identity. On subsequent full-moon nights, the new lycanthrope can make CON saves (same DC) to attempt to resist the change.

Curing Lycanthropy

Lycanthropy is cured most easily when treated before the victim undergoes its first change. During this pre-change period, giving the creature fresh wolfsbane grants them another save against the effect. After first change, the curse has taken hold and can only be removed by remove curse spell (level 6) cast while undergoing the transformation. The caster will need to make a spell attack against the curse's DC to be successful. As with all curses, sometimes other rituals or requirements may also be necessary to prepare for this spell casting.

Natural lycanthropes can't use these methods to rid themselves of their accursed ancestry. For these individuals, there is virtually no hope of curing their inherent natures, save perhaps for the power of a miracle or wish spell.

Change Shape

All lycanthropes have three forms--a humanoid form, an animal form, and a hybrid form. A natural lycanthrope can shift to any of its three forms as a standard or movement action.

An afflicted lycanthrope who is in control can also change to or from these forms at will, though with more effort. The lycanthrope must spend a full-round action followed by CON save against the curse's DC to complete the change. On the night of the full moon, an afflicted lycanthrope must make the same CON save to resist involuntary transformation into its animal form. In animal form, you have no control of your actions and you lose concentration on any spells you have in effect. You remain in animal form until the next sunrise. When you change back, you must make an INT save or you forget everything that transpired while in animal form.

During the day after a full moon, you are still susceptible to involuntary change if you sustain major injury. Any injury equal to at least 1/4 of your hit point max forces a new CON save to resist the change.

A slain lycanthrope reverts to its humanoid form, although it remains dead.

Stats and Abilities

Lycanthrope is a template that can be added to any humanoid. Aside from these changes listed below, the lycanthrope's humanoid form retains all of its stats and abilities. All three forms gain the following.

Animal Form

Your animal form will depend on the type of lycanthropy you've contracted. Most lycanthropic animal forms are bears, bats, boars, rats, tigers, and wolves, though less common variations of the lycanthropic curse might exist for most small, medium, or large animals. When you transform into an animal, all of your equipment melds into your form and you adopt all of the stats of the animal form. In addition, you gain the following.

Hybrid Form Stats

In hybrid form, you transform into a humanoid-animal mix. You retain any gear or clothing that you are wearing. You retain all the stats of the humanoid form but with the following changes.