
Shadow Creature Template

Shadow creatures are extraplanar beings that inhabit the shadow plane, semi-formed and imperfect copies of their material equivalents. Shadow creatures may occasionally find their way into the material plane or be summoned by mortals.

"Shadow creature" is an inherited template that can be added to any living creature, referred to hereafter as the base creature. A shadow creature retains all the base creature's statistics and abilities except as noted here. A shadow creature's CR is equal to 1 + the base creature's CR. It can be any non-good alignment.


The base creature's type changes to outsider. Do not recalculate proficiency bonus, saves, or skill ranks.


Shadow creatures gain darkvision 60 and low-light visions.


Shadow creatures gain weapon, cold and electricity resistance, as follows.

Hit DiceCold and ElectricityWeapons

Shadow Blend (Su)

In any illumination other than bright light, a shadow creature blends into the shadows, giving it 1/4 cover, though it can dismiss this as a free action.

Spell Resistance (Ex)

Shadow creatures have spell resistance equal to the base creature's CR + 8.