Non-magical animals are naturally limited in the kinds of actions they can take. In order to get an animal to perform a certain task, you need to train it first so it can learn to respond to your commands and perform the action you want. Each task you teach an animal is called a trick. The number of tricks an animal can learn is based on its intelligence score. Animals with an Intelligence of 1 can learn 3 tricks, and those with a 2 can learn 6 tricks.
Animal companions learn significantly more tricks. First, all animal companions know the companion trick for free. In addition, you can teach them four tricks more than a typical creature of their type can learn. As their level increases, the number of tricks you can teach them also increases (see table below). Unlike common pets, however, you do not need to take time to train your companion when you gain new tricks. Your companion learns them automatically.
Companion Level
Extra Tricks
For non-companions, training one trick takes a week of work. You must meet the prerequisite animal skill level in order to train each trick, listed in parentheses. Before learning any other specific tricks, animals usually first learn Companion. Once learned, animals can perform the trick on command.
Common Tricks
Attack (Animal +5): The animal attacks apparent enemies. You may point to a particular creature that you wish the animal to attack, and it will comply if able. Normally, an animal will attack only humanoids, monstrous humanoids, giants, or other animals. Teaching an animal to attack all creatures (including such unnatural creatures as undead and aberrations) counts as two tricks.
Bombard (Animal +5): A flying animal can deliver projectiles on command, attempting to drop a specified item that it can carry on a designated point or opponent. The animal cannot throw the object and must be able to fly directly over the target.
Break Out (Animal +5): On command, the animal attempts to break or gnaw through any bars or bindings restricting itself, its handler, or a person indicated by the handler. If the animal is physically unable to gnaw through the bonds, it still grants advantage on a characters check made to escape.
Bury (Animal +1): An animal with this trick can be instructed to bury an object in its possession. The animal normally seeks a secluded place to bury its object. An animal with both bury and fetch can be instructed to fetch an item it has buried.
Companion (Animal +1): The animal sees you as their master and can learn to follow basic commands. Animals with this trick know how to heel when called and stay in one place when commanded. In addition, you call off (down) an animal when in the process of performing any tricks. The animal will generally stay in your location and not wander off.
Defend (Animal +5): The animal defends you or a target, even without any command being given. The animal will automatically hold an action to attack any creature that attacks its ward.
Deliver (Animal +1): The animal takes an object to a place or person you indicate. If you indicate a place, the animal drops the item and returns to you. If you indicate a person, the animal stays adjacent to the person until the item is taken.
Detect (Animal +10): The animal is trained to seek out the smells of explosives and poisons, unusual noises or echoes, air currents, and other common elements signifying potential dangers or secret passages. When commanded, the animal uses its Perception skill to try to pinpoint the source of anything that strikes it as unusual about a room or location.
Fetch (Animal +1): The animal goes and gets something. If you do not point out a specific item, the animal fetches some random object.
Flee (Animal +5): The animal attempts to run away or hide as best it can, returning only when its handler commands it to do so. Until such a command is received, the animal does its best to track its handler and any creatures with him or her, remaining hidden but within range of its sight or hearing.
Get Help (Animal +5): With this trick, a trainer can designate a number of creatures up to the animal's Intelligence score as “help.” When the command is given, the animal attempts to find one of those people and bring her back to the handler, even if that means journeying a long distance to the last place it encountered the target creature.
Guard (Animal +5): The animal can be commanded to keep watch over a particular area, such as a campsite, and raise an alarm or attack (if it knows this trick) if it notices any sizable or dangerous creature entering the area.
Hunt (Animal +5): This trick allows an animal to use its natural stalking or foraging instincts to find food and return it to the animal's handler. An animal with this trick may attempt Wisdom checks to provide food for others or lead them to water and shelter.
Perform (Animal +1): The animal performs a variety of simple tricks, such as sitting up, rolling over, roaring or barking, and so on. The animal can make a performance trick to see how well it performs. The animal's performance can even be used to potentially distract onlookers.
Menace (Animal +5): A menacing animal attempts to keep a creature you indicate from moving. It does its best to intimidate the target, but only attacks if the target attempts to move from its present location or take any significant action (particularly a hostile-seeming one). As soon as the target stops moving, the animal ceases attacking but continues to menace.
Seek (Animal +1): The animal moves into an area and looks around for anything that is obviously alive or animate.
Sneak (Animal +1): The animal can be ordered to make Stealth checks in order to stay hidden and to continue using Stealth even when circumstances or its natural instincts would normally cause it to abandon secrecy.
Track (Animal +5, animal must have scent ability): The animal tracks the scent presented to it.
Work (Animal +1): The animal pulls or pushes a medium or heavy load.
Companion Tricks
In addition to the common tricks that all animals can learn, Animal companions (only) can also learn the following combat-based tricks. Note: Companion Tricks do not have training prerequisites since Companions learn tricks automatically.
Blind: You companion makes an attack and lunges at the target's eyes, if they have them, blinding them until the start of the enemy's next turn.
Block: If your companion is within 10 feet of the path of a charging enemy, as a reaction, it can intercept the charge. If the creature fails a Dexterity saving throw, its charge is interrupted causing it to lose its action.
Break Gaze: When you are subject to a gaze attack and your companion is adjacent, they can use a reaction to help block line of sight. In doing so, your companion must save against the effects of the attack instead of you.
Comfort: Your companion can sense when you are inflicted with fear and lend you comfort as a standard action. Doing so relieves one level of fear.
Companion Feint: As a standard action, your companion can fake an attack against an enemy. Your target must make a Wisdom saving throw. If failed, they fall for the feint and are flat-footed against the next attack you make.
Disrupt: When your companion is adjacent to a spellcaster, they can hold an action and attack when a spellcaster adjacent to them starts to cast.
Pummel: As a standard action, your companion can attempt to stun your target instead of inflicting damage. The target must make a Constitution saving throw or have level 1 stun for 1 round. Your companion may only attempt this trick once per creature.
Rescue: Your companion can pull an unconscious ally out of harms away at half the ally's movement rate without provoking an attack of opportunity.
Root: Your companion can root and stabilize you. If your companion is adjacent to you, they can use a reaction to grant you advantage on attempts to trip or move you.
Share Damage: If you are adjacent to one another, you or your companion can use a reaction to jump in front of one another and absorb some or all of the damage inflicted on the other.
Threaten: Your companion can threaten a target causing them to take level 1 fear if they fail a Wisdom Saving throw.
Trained Senses: Your companion is trained to detect certain creatures. If you are a ranger, your companion can unerringly detect whether a creature is one of your favored enemies. In addition, they can detect whether a creature is a shapechanger or lycanthrope, even in alternate form.
Trip: As a standard action, your companion can attempt to trip or drag an opponent down to a prone position if they fail a Strength saving throw.