Ash Giant
CR 11, CN Large Giant
Senses: Perception 8, Low Light Vision
Speed: 40 ft. (30 ft. in armor) Skills: Athletics 14, Intimidation 6, Medicine 7, Nature 9
Languages: Common, Giant
Ability Scores: Str 33 (+24), Dex 14 (+7), Con 23 (+19), Int 9 (+4), Wis 12 (+6), Cha 10 (+5)
INIT: +2 CP: +10 HP: 147 (14d8+84) SA: -- DC: 24
AC: 25 Touch: 11 Flat-footed: 23 [+2 Dodge, +14 Natural, -1 Size]
SR: -- Vulnerable: -- Resistant: -- Bypass: --
Immunity: Poison Effect Immunity: Disease
- Melee - 2 x Huge club +21 (2d6+11 plus disease). Reach: 10 ft. Disease - Save: Con 23. Onset: 1 minute. Frequency: 1 day. Effect: 1d2 temporary Con damage, 1d2 permanent Cha damage. Cure: 2 consecutive saves.
- Melee (Natural) - 2 x slams +20 (1d8+11 plus disease). Reach: 10 ft. Disease - Save: Con 23. Onset: 1 minute. Frequency: 1 day. Effect: 1d2 temporary Con damage, 1d2 permanent Cha damage. Cure: 2 consecutive saves.
- Ranged - 1 x rock +12 (1d8+16 plus disease). Range: 150/300/600 Disease - Save: Con 23. Onset: 1 minute. Frequency: 1 day. Effect: 1d2 temporary Con damage, 1d2 permanent Cha damage. Cure: 2 consecutive saves.
Reckless Attack (ex) - At the beginning of its turn, the Ash Giant can decide to make reckless attacks instead of normal ones. In doing so, it gets a +5 bonus on all of its attack rolls, though it takes a -5 penalty to its AC until the beginning of its next turn.
Rock Catching (Reaction)(ex) - Once per round, when an Ash Giant would normally be hit by a thrown rock, it can use its reaction to attempt to catch the rock instead. To do so, it must make a Dex save DC 15 for Small rocks, DC 20 for medium rocks, and DC 25 for large ones.
Vermin Empathy (ex) - This ability functions as the wild empathy feat, except that it works only on vermin. The Ash Giant gets a +14 racial bonus on its roll to change the attitude of vermin, allowing the Ash Giant to train vermin and use them as guardians.
Cleave (ex) - As a standard action, the Ash Giant can make a single attack with a melee weapon at its highest attack bonus. If it hits, it deals damage normally and can make another attack against a foe adjacent to the first. The Ash Giant may continue making as many attacks as possible provided opponents are adjacent and in range. Using cleave, causes the creature to take a -2 penalty to AC until its next turn.
Environment: any wastelands
Organization: solitary, gang (2-5), band (6-9), raid (9-12 plus 1d4 giant vermin), tribe (13-30 plus 35% noncombatants, plus 1 barbarian fighter chief of 6th-8th level and 6-8 giant vermin)
Treasure: standard (hide armor, Huge club, other treasure)
Towering above a typical human, this misshapen giant's pale flesh is covered in purulent sores and bulbous tumors.
Whether because of disruptive magic, unearthed deep elements, or alien technology that fell calamitously from the sky, ash giants are victims of their barren terrains. Yet they somehow survive and even thrive in these desperate lands. Ash giants have an uncanny ability to bond with the enormous and often mutated vermin they share the landscape with, and sometimes use the largest of these creatures as mounts. Ash giants are brash and violent, and their humor is incredibly dark. Killing someone through a prank is just as funny as tripping a friend while on a hunt. While not inherently evil, lifetimes of being antagonized by other tribes have practically bred violence into their minds. Ash giants are 10 feet tall and weigh 1,200 pounds.