

A potion is a magic liquid that produces its effect when imbibed. Magic oils are similar to potions, except that oils are applied externally rather than imbibed. A potion or oil can be used only once. It can duplicate the effect of a spell of up to 3rd level that has a casting time of less than 1 minute.

Potions are like spells cast upon the imbiber. The character taking the potion doesn’t get to make any decisions about the effect--the caster who brewed the potion has already done so. The drinker of a potion is both the effective target and the caster of the effect. The person applying an oil is the effective caster, but the object is the target.

Physical Description

A typical potion or oil consists of 1 ounce of liquid held in a ceramic or glass vial fitted with a tight stopper. The stoppered container is usually no more than 1 inch wide and 2 inches high. The vial has AC 13, no hardness, and a break DC of 12. Vials hold 1 ounce of liquid.

Identifying Potions

The process of identifying a potion involves smelling the liquid, sampling a small amount, observing its color and viscosity, and other such experiments. As you finish this examination, you make a Magic Items check against the standard DC for magical items (20 + twice spell level) to identify it. If you have previously identified a certain type of potion, you will be able to automatically identify it in the future.


Potions and oils are use-activated magical items and using them requires no special skill, though the creature doing so must be corporeal, and potions must be swallowed to take effect. Imbibing a potion can be done as a movement action, and applying an oil is a standard action. Administering a potion to someone else takes a standard action as well. Once used, potions and oils take effect immediately.

Random Tables

MinorMediumMajorPotion/OilEffectSpell LevelMarket Price
01-10----PotionCureLevel 150 gp
11-13----PotionEndure elementsLevel 150 gp
14-15----PotionHide (from animals)Level 150 gp
16-17----PotionHide (from undead)Level 150 gp
18-19----PotionJumpLevel 150 gp
20-22----PotionMage armorLevel 150 gp
23-25----PotionMagic fangLevel 150 gp
26----OilMagic stoneLevel 150 gp
27-29----OilMagic weaponLevel 150 gp
30----PotionPass without traceLevel 150 gp
31-32----PotionProtection (one alignment)Level 150 gp
33-34----PotionRemove fearLevel 150 gp
35----PotionSanctuaryLevel 150 gp
36-38----PotionShield of faithLevel 150 gp
39----OilShillelaghLevel 150 gp
40-4101-02--OilBless weaponLevel 1100 gp
42-4403-04--PotionEnlarge personLevel 1250 gp
4505--PotionReduce personLevel 1250 gp
46-4706--ElixirElixir of Love--250 gp
48-5007--PotionBarkskinLevel 2300 gp
51-5308-10--PotionBear's Endurance (Enhance Ability, Con)Level 2300 gp
54-5611-1301-02PotionBlurLevel 2300 gp
57-5914-16--PotionBull's Strength (Enhance Ability, Str)Level 2300 gp
60-6217-19--PotionCat's Grace (Enhance Ability, Dex)Level 2300 gp
63-6720-2703-07PotionCureLevel 2300 gp
6828--OilDarknessLevel 2300 gp
69-7129-3008-09PotionDarkvisionLevel 2300 gp
72-7431--PotionNeutralize poisonLevel 2300 gp
75-7632-33--PotionEagle's Spendor (Enhance Ability, Cha)Level 2300 gp
77-7834-35--PotionFox's Cunning (Enhance Ability, Int)Level 2300 gp
79-8136-3710-11EitherInvisibilityLevel 2300 gp
82-843812PotionRestorationLevel 2300 gp
85-8639--EitherLevitateLevel 2300 gp
8740--PotionMisdirectionLevel 2300 gp
88-8941-42--PotionOwl's Wisdom (Enhance Ability, Wis)Level 2300 gp
90-9143--PotionProtection from arrowsLevel 2300 gp
92-934413PotionRemove StunLevel 2300 gp
94-9645-46--PotionProtection from energy (type, resist. 10)Level 2300 gp
9747-4814ElixirElixir of Swimming--300 gp
98-9949--PotionSpider climbLevel 2300 gp
1005015ElixirElixir of Tumbling--300 gp
--5116ElixirElixir of Stealth--300 gp
--5217-18ElixirElixir of Vision--300 gp
--53-5519-20PotionProtection from energy (type, resist. 20)Level 2700 gp
--56-6021-28PotionCureLevel 3750 gp
--6129OilDaylightLevel 2750 gp
--62-6430-32PotionDisplacementLevel 3750 gp
--6533OilFlame arrowLevel 2750 gp
--66-6834-38PotionFlyLevel 3750 gp
--6939PotionGaseous formLevel 3750 gp
--70-71--PotionMagic fangLevel 2750 gp
--72-73--OilMagic weaponLevel 3750 gp
--74-7540-41PotionHasteLevel 3750 gp
--76-7842-44PotionHeroismLevel 3750 gp
--79-8045-46OilKeen edgeLevel 3750 gp
--8147PotionMagic circle (alignment)Level 3750 gp
--82-83--ElixirElixir of Truth--750 gp
--84-8648-50PotionNeutralize poisonLevel 3750 gp
--87-8851-52PotionNondetectionLevel 3750 gp
--89-9153-54PotionProtection from energy (type)Level 3750 gp
--92-9355PotionRageLevel 3750 gp
--9456PotionBlindness/deafness (remove)Level 3750 gp
--9557PotionRemove curseLevel 3750 gp
--9658PotionRemove diseaseLevel 3750 gp
--9759PotionTonguesLevel 3750 gp
--98-9960PotionWater breathingLevel 3750 gp
--10061PotionWater walkLevel 3750 gp
----62-63PotionElixir of Calm--750 gp
----64-66PotionArcane SightLevel 3750 gp
----67-68PotionBlood ScentLevel 3750 gp
----69-70OilCauterizing Weapon (energy type)Level 3750 gp
----71-72PotionElemental Aura (energy type)Level 3750 gp
----73-74PotionEruptive PustulesLevel 3750 gp.
----75-76PotionForce PunchLevel 3750 gp.
----77-78OilGentle Repose (1 week)Level 3750 gp.
----79-81PotionRageLevel 3750 gp.
----82-84PotionTwisted InnardsLevel 3750 gp.
----85-87PotionProtection from energy (type, resist. 30)Level 2900 gp
----88-90PotionTeleport (level 3)Level 31,050 gp
----91-92PotionElixir of Stoneskin--1,800 gp
----93-97PotionCureLevel 41,800 gp
----98ElixirElixir of Fire Breath--1,100 gp
----99ElixirElixir of Amnesia--1,800 gp
----100ElixirElixir of Shadowwalking--3,000 gp


Elixirs are potions that don't replicate standard spell effects and may require extra effort to brew. Elixirs may contain common but out-of-the-ordinary magic or they may host magical effects beyond the power of most potions. Either way, elixirs are generally an exceptional when compared to typical potions.

Elixir of Amnesia

After drinking this elixir, you fall unconscious for 1d4 rounds. When you awake, the events of the past 10 minutes are completely erased from your memory. If this elixir is fed to you unwillingly, you are entitled to an intelligence save (DC 15) to avoid the effect. If successful, you only partially forget the previous 10 minutes. The spotty details you do remember will be determined by the GM.

Aura: Moderate enchantment

Activation: Use-Activated DC: 28

Construction Requirements: modify memory

Price: 1,800 gp. Weight: --

Elixir of Calm

After imbibing this liquid, you feel a sense of calm serenity come over you that lasts 8 hours. The elixir suppresses all emotions, eliminating the effects of fear and confusion, but also negating benefits of morale-boosting magic such as bless or rage. During the time you also cannot engage in violent or destructive action, though if you are attacked, the effects of the elixir immediately wear off.

Aura: Faint Enchantment

Activation: Use-Activated DC: 24

Construction Requirements: calm emotions

Price: 750 gp. Weight: --

Elixir of Fire Breath

This strange elixir bestows you the ability to spit gouts of flame after you drink it. You can breathe fire up to three times, each time dealing 4d6 points of fire damage to a single target up to 25 feet away. The victim can attempt a DC 13 Dex save for half damage. Unused blasts dissipate 1 hour after the liquid is consumed.

Aura: Moderate evocation

Activation: Use-Activated DC: 24

Construction Requirements: scorching ray

Price: 1,100 gp. Weight: --

Elixir of Love

This sweet-tasting liquid causes the target drinking it to become charmed with the first creature he sees after consuming the draft (as charm person--the drinker must be a humanoid of Medium or smaller size, CHA DC 14 negates). The charm effects wear off in 1d3 hours.

Aura: Faint transmutation

Activation: Use-Activated DC: 22

Construction Requirements: charm person

Price: 250 gp. Weight: --

Elixir of Shadowwalking

This elixir seems to be more smoke than liquid, and when you imbibe it, you feel your body become whispy and insubstantial. You find yourself in the Plane of Shadow where you are able to move at a rate of 50 miles per hour relative to the material world. As you travel, reality is blurry and confusing, making it difficult to predict your exact location in the material world, so as the effect ends, you find yourself 1d10x100 feet from your expected location. The elixir lasts four hours before wearing off.

Aura: Moderate Illusion

Activation: Use-Activated DC: 26

Construction Requirements: shadow walk

Price: 3,000 gp. Weight: --

Elixir of Stealth

When drinking this liquid, you gain an intuitive ability to hide (+10 competence bonus on stealth checks for 1 hour).

Aura: Faint illusion

Activation: Use-Activated DC: 24

Construction Requirements: invisibility

Price: 300 gp. Weight: 1 lb.

Elixir of Stoneskin

After drinking this elixir your skin toughens and hardens, helping prevent damage from weapons. You gain weapon resistance 10. The effect lasts until the spell has prevented a total of 100 points of damage or for 2 hours, whichever comes first.

Aura: Moderate transmutation

Activation: Use-Activated DC: 28

Construction Requirements: stoneskin

Price: 1,800 gp. Weight: 1 lb.

Elixir of Swimming

This elixir bestows swimming ability. An almost imperceptible magic sheath surrounds you, allowing you to glide through the water easily (+10 competence bonus on Athletics checks when swimming for 1 hour).

Aura: Faint illusion

Activation: Use-Activated DC: 22

Construction Requirements: creator must have 5 ranks in Athletics

Price: 300 gp. Weight: --

Elixir of Tumbling

When drinking this liquid, you gain a boost to your agility (+10 competence bonus on Acrobatics checks for 1 hour).

Aura: Faint illusion

Activation: Use-Activated DC: 24

Construction Requirements: invisibility

Price: 300 gp. Weight: 1 lb.

Elixir of Truth

This elixir forces the individual drinking it to say nothing but the truth for 10 minutes (WIS DC 13 negates).

The target is compelled to answer any questions put to her in that time, but with each question she is free to make a separate DC 13 WIS save. If one of these secondary saves is successful, she doesn’t break free of the truth-compelling enchantment but also doesn’t have to answer that particular question. No more than one question can be asked each round. This is a mind-affecting compulsion enchantment.

Aura: Faint enchantment

Activation: Use-Activated DC: 24

Construction Requirements: zone of truth

Price: 750 gp. Weight: --

Elixir of Vision

Drinking this elixir grants you the ability to notice acute details with great accuracy (+10 competence bonus on Investigation checks for 1 hour).

Aura: Faint divination

Activation: Use-Activaed DC: 30

Construction Requirements: true seeing

Price: 300 gp. Weight: --