Rings bestow magical powers upon their wearers. Only a rare few have charges. Anyone can use a ring. A character can only effectively wear two magic rings. A third magic ring doesn’t work if the wearer is already wearing two magic rings.
Rings have no appreciable weight. Although exceptions exist that are crafted from glass or bone, the vast majority of rings are forged from metal--usually precious metals such as gold, silver, and platinum. A ring has AC 13, hardness 12, and a break DC of 25.
Roll d%. A result of 01 indicates the ring is intelligent, 02-31 indicates that something (a design, inscription, or the like) provides a clue to its function, and 32-100 indicates no special qualities. Intelligent items have extra abilities and sometimes extraordinary powers and special purposes. Rings with charges can never be intelligent.
Minor | Medium | Major | Ring | Market Price |
01-06 | -- | -- | Force Shield | 900 gp |
07-12 | -- | -- | Feather falling | 1,800 gp |
13-18 | -- | -- | Animal Friendship | 1,800 gp |
19-36 | -- | -- | Protection +1 | 2,000 gp |
37-42 | -- | -- | Athletics (standard) | 2,500 gp |
43-48 | -- | -- | Counterspells | 5,400 gp |
49-54 | 01-06 | -- | Sustenance | 6,000 gp |
55-64 | 07-24 | -- | Protection +2 | 8,000 gp |
65-70 | 25-30 | -- | Ram | 8,600 gp |
71-76 | 31-36 | -- | Athletics (greater) | 10,000 gp |
77-82 | 37-42 | -- | Spell storing (standard) | 10,000 gp |
83-88 | 43-48 | -- | Energy resistance (standard) | 10,800 gp |
89-94 | 49-54 | -- | Invisibility | 10,800 gp |
95-100 | 55-60 | -- | Chameleon power | 11,800 gp |
-- | 61-70 | -- | Protection +3 | 18,000 gp |
-- | 71-76 | 01-07 | Shooting stars | 20,000 gp |
-- | 77-81 | 08-14 | Energy resistance (greater) | 21,000 gp |
-- | 82-87 | 15-21 | Friend shield (pair) | 20,000 gp |
-- | 88-93 | 22-28 | Evasion | 13,000 gp |
-- | 94-100 | 29-35 | X-ray vision | 25,000 gp |
-- | -- | 36-42 | Blinking | 27,000 gp |
-- | -- | 43-49 | Tongues | 27,000 gp |
-- | -- | 50-56 | Water walking | 27,000 gp |
-- | -- | 57-61 | Spell storing (greater) | 33,000 gp |
-- | -- | 62-66 | Wizardry | 40,000 gp |
-- | -- | 67-71 | Energy resistance (superior) | 42,000 gp |
-- | -- | 72-76 | Freedom of movement | 25,400 gp |
-- | -- | 77-81 | Spell turning | 65,000 gp |
-- | -- | 82-86 | Telekinesis | 80,000 gp |
-- | -- | 87-91 | Regeneration | 82,000 gp |
-- | -- | 92-93 | Mind shielding | 215,000 gp |
-- | -- | 94-95 | Djinni calling | 118,800 gp |
-- | -- | 96 | Elemental command (air) | 150,000 gp |
-- | -- | 97 | Elemental command (earth) | 150,000 gp |
-- | -- | 98 | Elemental command (fire) | 150,000 gp |
-- | -- | 99 | Elemental command (water) | 150,000 gp |
-- | -- | 100 | Three wishes | 200,000 gp |
On command, this ring affects an animal as if the wearer had cast charm animals.
This ring improves your athletic ability in one specific way, either jumping, climbing, or swimming (chosen by the creator when the ring is forged). The ring grants a +5 competence bonus to Athletics checks when that specific athletic activity is being performed. Greater quality rings grant a +10 bonus.
On command, this ring makes you blink, as with the blink spell.
Disguise (Attuned, DC 22)
As a standard action, you can utilize disguise self as often as you want.
Camouflage (Attuned, DC 24)
As a free action, you gain the ability to magically blend in with your surroundings. This provides a +10 competence bonus on Stealth checks when not moving.
This ring might seem to be a ring of spell storing upon first examination. However, while it allows a single spell of 1st through 6th level to be cast into it, that spell cannot be cast out of the ring again. Instead, should that spell ever be cast upon the wearer, the spell is immediately countered, as a counterspell action, requiring no action (or even knowledge) on the wearer’s part. Once so used, the spell cast within the ring is gone. A new spell (or the same one as before) may be placed in it again.
One of the many rings of fable, this “genie” ring is most useful indeed. It serves as a special gate by means of which a specific djinni can be called from the Elemental Plane of Air. When the ring is rubbed (a standard action), the call goes out, and the djinni appears on the next round. The djinni faithfully obeys and serves the wearer of the ring, but never for more than 1 hour per day. If the djinni of the ring is ever killed, the ring becomes nonmagical and worthless.
Feather fall (Continual while worn, DC 22)
While wearing this ring, you are continually under the effect of the
Continual while worn (Use-Activated, DC 26)
Air Elementals can’t attack you, or even approach within 5 feet of you. You are also able to converse with creatures from the plane of air. These creatures recognize that you wear the ring. They show a healthy respect for you if alignments are similar. If alignments are opposed, creatures fear you if you are strong. If you are weak, they hate and desire to slay you.
Charm Elementals (Attuned, DC 28)
If you desire, you may forego the ring's ability to protect you from a targeted air elemental, allowing you to attempt to charm it instead (as charm monster, CHA save DC 17 negates). If the charm attempt fails, however, absolute protection is lost against that creature and no further attempt at charming can be made.
Elemental Combat (Continual while worn, DC 28)
Air elementals who attack you take a disadvantage on their attack rolls. You get advantage when attacking them. Any weapon you use bypasses their weapon resistance.
Elemental Saves (Continual while worn, DC 28)
You make saves against air or electricity-based effects at advantage, but you make saves against earth-based effects at disadvantage.
Elemental Spells (Attuned, DC 30)
You are able to cast the following spells as a spell-like ability.
· Protection from Energy (electricity 10) (unlimited use, wearer only)
· Gust of wind (twice per day)
· Wind wall (unlimited use)
· Air walk (once per day, wearer only)
· Chain lightning (once per week)
Meld into stone (Attuned, DC 24)
While wearing this ring, you able to cast meld into stone at will as a spell-like ability. Any attempt to identify this ring that doesn't beat at DC 25, will mistakenly assume this ring is a ring of meld into stone.
Elemental Affinity (Continual while worn, DC 26)
Earth Elementals can’t attack you, or even approach within 5 feet of you. You are also able to converse with creatures from the plane of earth. These creatures recognize that you wear the ring. They show a healthy respect for you if alignments are similar. If alignments are opposed, creatures fear you if you are strong. If you are weak, they hate and desire to slay you.
Charm Elementals (Attuned, DC 28)
If you desire, you may forego the ring's ability to protect you from a targeted earth elemental, allowing you to attempt to charm it instead (as charm monster, CHA save DC 17 negates). If the charm attempt fails, however, absolute protection is lost against that creature and no further attempt at charming can be made.
Elemental Combat (Continual while worn, DC 28)
Earth elementals who attack you take a disadvantage on their attack rolls. You get advantage when attacking them. Any weapon you use bypasses their weapon resistance.
Elemental Saves (Continual while worn, DC 28)
You make saves against earth-based effects at advantage, but you make saves against air or electricity-based effects at disadvantage.
Elemental Spells (Attuned, DC 30)
You are able to cast the following spells as a spell-like ability.
· Soften earth or stone (unlimited use)
· Stone shape (twice per day)
· Stoneskin (once per week, wearer only)
· Passwall (twice per week)
· Wall of stone (once per day)
Resist Fire Energy (Continual while worn, DC 24)
While wearing this ring, you have fire resistance 20. Any attempt to identify this ring that doesn't beat at DC 25, will mistakenly assume this ring is a ring of fire resistance.
Elemental Affinity (Continual while worn, DC 26)
Fire Elementals can’t attack you, or even approach within 5 feet of you. You are also able to converse with creatures from the plane of fire. These creatures recognize that you wear the ring. They show a healthy respect for you if alignments are similar. If alignments are opposed, creatures fear you if you are strong. If you are weak, they hate and desire to slay you.
Charm Elementals (Attuned, DC 28)
If you desire, you may forego the ring's ability to protect you from a targeted fire elemental, allowing you to attempt to charm it instead (as charm monster, CHA save DC 17 negates). If the charm attempt fails, however, absolute protection is lost against that creature and no further attempt at charming can be made.
Elemental Combat (Continual while worn, DC 28)
Fire elementals who attack you take a disadvantage on their attack rolls. You get advantage when attacking them. Any weapon you use bypasses their weapon resistance.
Elemental Saves (Continual while worn, DC 28)
You make saves against fire-based effects at advantage, but you make saves against water-based effects at disadvantage.
Elemental Spells (Attuned, DC 30)
You are able to cast the following spells as a spell-like ability.
· Burning hands (unlimited use)
· Flaming sphere (twice per day)
· Pyrotechnics (twice per day)
· Wall of fire (once per day)
· Flame strike (twice per week)
Water Walking (Continual while worn, DC 24)
While wearing this ring, you have the ability to walk on water, per the water walk spell. Any attempt to identify this ring that doesn't beat at DC 25, will mistakenly assume this ring is a ring of water walking.
Elemental Affinity (Continual while worn, DC 26)
Water elementals can’t attack you, or even approach within 5 feet of you. You are also able to converse with creatures from the plane of water. These creatures recognize that you wear the ring. They show a healthy respect for you if alignments are similar. If alignments are opposed, creatures fear you if you are strong. If you are weak, they hate and desire to slay you.
Charm Elementals (Attuned, DC 28)
If you desire, you may forego the ring's ability to protect you from a targeted water elemental, allowing you to attempt to charm it instead (as charm monster, CHA save DC 17 negates). If the charm attempt fails, however, absolute protection is lost against that creature and no further attempt at charming can be made.
Elemental Combat (Continual while worn, DC 28)
Water elementals who attack you take a disadvantage on their attack rolls. You get advantage when attacking them. Any weapon you use bypasses their weapon resistance.
Elemental Saves (Continual while worn, DC 28)
You make saves against water-based effects at advantage, but you make saves against fire-based effects at disadvantage.
Elemental Spells (Attuned, DC 30)
You are able to cast the following spells as a spell-like ability.
· Create water (unlimited use)
· Water breathing (unlimited use)
· Wall of ice (once per day)
· Ice storm (twice per week)
· Control water (twice per week)
This reddish iron ring continually protects you by granting resistance to one type of energy--acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. Standard rings grant 10 resistance, greater ones grant 20, and superior ones grant 30.
This ring continually grants you the ability to avoid damage as if you had evasion. Whenever you make a Dex saving throw to determine whether you take half damage, a successful save results in no damage.
This ring is crafted with a feather pattern all around its edge. It acts exactly like a feather fall spell, activated immediately if you fall more than 5 feet.
An iron band, this simple ring generates an arcane shield that stays with the ring and can be wielded as if it were a heavy shield (+2 AC). This special creation is weightless and encumbrance-free. It can be activated and deactivated at will as a free action or reaction.
This gold ring allows you to act as if continually under the effect of a freedom of movement spell.
These curious rings always come in pairs. A friend shield ring without its mate is useless. Either wearer of one of a pair of the rings can, as a standard action, command his or her ring to cast a shield other spell with the wearer of the mated ring as the recipient. This effect has no range limitation.
By activating this simple silver ring, you turn invisible, as the spell.
This ring is usually of fine workmanship and wrought from heavy gold. While wearing this ring, you are protected from all devices and spells that detect, influence, or read emotions or thought. You are protected from all mind-affecting spells, divinations, and any spell used to affect your mind or gather information about it (even miracle and wish). Even scrying or arcane eye fail to detect you, though they may see the rest of the area.
This ring offers protection by granting an enhancement bonus to your armor. This bonus increases your current Armor AC but does not stack with any existing enhancement bonuses on your armor. For the sake of this protection, clothing counts as armor with an AC bonus of +0. Standard rings grant a +1 enhancement to Armor AC, greater grant a +2 enhancement, and superior grant a +3 enhancement.
The ring of the ram is an ornate ring forged of hard metal, usually iron or an iron alloy. It has the head of a ram as its device.
You can command the ring to give forth a ramlike force, manifested by a vaguely discernible shape that resembles the head of a ram or a goat. This force strikes a single target, dealing 1d6 points of damage if 1 charge is expended, 2d6 points if 2 charges are used, or 3d6 points if 3 charges (the maximum) are used. Treat this as a ranged attack with a 50-foot maximum range and no penalties for distance.
The force of the blow is considerable, and those struck by the ring are pushed backward forcefully if within 30 feet of the ring-wearer. Roll an opposed combat maneuver check with a +8 bonus. The ram pushes the target back 1 foot (min 5) for each point beyond your opponent's Athletics/Acrobatics roll. If 2 charges are expended, your check is made with a +9 bonus, and if 3 charges are expended, the bonus increases to +10.
In addition, the ring of the ram also has the power to open doors, making a strength check with the same bonuses as used for the combat maneuver check.
A newly created ring has 50 charges. When all the charges are expended, the ring becomes a nonmagical item.
This white gold ring continually allows a living wearer to heal 1 point of damage per level every hour rather than every day. This ability cannot be aided by a medicine check. If you lose a limb, an organ, or any other body part while wearing this ring, the ring regenerates it as the spell. In either case, only damage taken while wearing the ring is regenerated.
This ring must be attuned in the dark and it only functions in dim light or Darkness.
Light Spells (Attuned, DC 22)
You can cast Dancing Lights, Faerie Fire, or Light from the ring at will. No charges required.
Shooting Stars (Attuned, DC 26)
Three shooting stars can be released from the ring each week, simultaneously or one at a time. They impact for 12 points of damage and spread (as a fireball) in a 5-foot-radius sphere for 24 points of fire damage. Any creature struck by a shooting star takes full damage from impact plus full fire damage from the spread unless it makes a DC 13 Dex save. Creatures not struck but within the spread ignore the impact damage and take only half damage from the fire spread on a successful DC 13 Dex save. Range is 70 feet, at the end of which the shooting star explodes, unless it strikes a creature or object before that. A shooting star always follows a straight line, and any creature in its path must make a save or be hit by the projectile.
Ball Lightning (Attuned, DC 28)
Once per night, you can cast ball lightning per the spell, except that the balls last 4 rounds and can move much faster (120 feet per round).
A ring of spell storing contains up to three levels of spells that you can cast. The activation time for the ring is same as the casting time for the relevant spell, except that reaction and bonus action spells take a standard action to cast instead. A spellcaster can cast any spells into the ring, so long as the total spell levels do not add up to more than three. Material components or a spell focus must be present for the casting, but afterward the spells can be used from the ring without them. Metamagic versions of spells take up storage space equal to their spell level modified by the metamagic technique. A spellcaster can use a scroll to put a spell into the ring of spell storing. Once attuned, the ring magically imparts to the wearer the names of all spells currently stored within it. Greater rings store up to five levels of spells.
Up to three times per day on command, this simple platinum band automatically reflects the next nine levels of spells cast at the wearer, exactly as if spell turning had been cast upon you.
This ring continually provides you with life-sustaining nourishment. The ring also refreshes the body and mind, so that you only need to sleep 2 hours per day to gain the benefit of 8 hours of sleep. The ring must be worn for a full week before it begins to function for you. If it is removed, you must wear it for another week.
This ring allows the caster to use the spell telekinesis on command.
This ring is set with three rubies. Each ruby stores a wish spell, activated by the ring. When a wish is used, that ruby disappears. For a randomly generated ring, roll 1d3 to determine the remaining number of rubies. When all the wishes are used, the ring becomes a nonmagical item.
This ring allows you to continually utilize the effects of the spell tongues.
This ring allows you to continually utilize the effects of the spell water breathing.
This ring, set with an opal, allows you to continually utilize the effects of the spell water walk.
If you are an arcane caster, you gain an extra spell slot for each level of spell you know up to forth level. If you prepare spells each day, you may prepare two spells more than usual.
On command, this ring gives you the ability to see into and through solid matter. Vision range is 20 feet. You see as if you were looking at something in normal light even if there is no illumination. X-ray vision can penetrate 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, or up to 3 feet of wood or dirt. Thicker substances or a thin sheet of lead blocks the vision.
Using the ring is physically exhausting, causing you 1 point of Constitution damage per minute after the first 10 minutes of use in a single day.