1st level Enchantment
Domains: Animal
Components: V, S
Casting Time: Standard, ritual
Range: One mile
Effect: Animals are attracted to your location
Duration: 1 hour (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
Description: This spell attracts nearby animals to your location. After casting, 2d4 animals of various types within 1 mile will make their way to your general location, where they will linger until the spell expires. Alternately, you can attempt to attract 1d4 animals of a specific species. If no animals of the desired species are within range, you can switch species and try again up to two more times. This spell is not precise enough to target specific creatures.
Animals that are close may appear right away, though some may take longer to travel to you. The spell's effect is broken for a creature if it senses danger of any kind. Creatures affected by this spell are one degree more friendly to you than usual. Domesticated animals are friendly and wild animals are indifferent, though they can be charmed or persuaded with wild empathy to improve their attitude toward you and or to enlist their aid. Unlike summoned animals, those attracted by this spell do not disappear when the spell expires, though indifferent or friendly animals may eventually wander away and return to their normal lives.