1st level Enchantment
Classes: Inquisitor, Oracle
Domains: Cleric
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: Standard
Range: 30 ft
Area: All allies within the area
Duration: 10 min., Concentration
Spell Resistance: Yes
Description: Bless instills your targets with divine protection and guidance. Your targets receive a +1 circumstance bonus to attacks, saving throws, and skill checks for the duration of the spell. The power of your blessing grows stronger as you do. At player level 5, it increases to +2, and every five levels afterward it increases by another +1. Alternately, you may target the spell at a pint of water mixed with 20 gp. worth of powdered platinum, transforming the water into holy water.
Level 0: You may touch one creature to give them a +1 circumstance bonus to rolls for the spell's duration
Leveling: A blessing cast at level 2 and targeted on a corpse prevents the corpse from being turned into an undead creature for 8 hours. Attempts to raise the corpse as an undead creature automatically fail. If the corpse was slain by a creature that creates undead out of slain foes, that effect is delayed until the end of the spell. It is possible to protect a corpse for an extended time by casting this spell multiple times.