
Crawling Eye

3rd level Transmutation

Classes: Alchemist, Witch

Domains: Mutation

Components: V, S

Casting Time: Standard

Range: Self

Effect: 1 spidery eye

Duration: Instantaneous

Spell Resistance: No

Description: One of your eyes leaves your head and is transformed into a crawling entity. The eye sprouts spider-like legs and crawls each time you use a move action to direct it. The eye cannot otherwise move on its own, but you are able to see through the eye as it moves. The eye is considered a Fine creature with AC 20 and 2 hit points. It has a stealth and a climb modifier equal to your casting level. The eye has a move and a climb speed of 20. You can't cast spells through the eye, except for those (like detect magic), that rely on a sense of sight.

While out of your head, you take 3 temporary points of constitution damage, and your AC is temporarily reduced by 2. These conditions return to normal once you direct your eye to return to the empty socket. If the eye is destroyed, these conditions remain in place for 1d4 hours, after which the eye regrows magically, and your vision returns to normal.