1st level Necromancy
Classes: Sorcerer, Witch, Wizard
Domains: Death
Components: V, S, M (100 gp worth of incense), F (intact severed hand and a soul trapped in a soul gem)
Casting Time: 1 hr
Range: 0 ft
Target: One severed hand
Duration: Instantaneous
Spell Resistance: No
Description: You create a Crawling Hand by imbuing a severed hand with the soul from a soul gem. The Crawling Hand can be given simple, verbal instructions, which it will attempt to obey until successful or stopped. The hand can even be given conditional instructions, such as to attack anyone who disturbs a chest or enters a room. The hand has no sensory functions that allow it to distinguish one person from another, except when anointed with their blood. If you do so, then the hand with automatically know the exact location of the target and will relentlessly and tirelessly seek to find and kill them. It can be given no other instructions at that point. When successful or when it has no current instructions, the hand remains still, as if it were a regular severed hand.
Leveling: At level 6, you can create a giant Crawling Hand. This hand functions the same, except it is created from a severed giant's hand.