6th level Necromancy
Classes: Alchemist, Bard, Sorcerer, Witch, Wizard
Domains: Affliction, Sickness
Components: V, S
Casting Time: Bonus
Range: 400 ft
Target: Self
Duration: 1 minute, Concentration
Saving Throw: Varies
Spell Resistance: Yes
Description: Your eyes cloud over, milky white, as you gain the ability to inflict gaze attacks. Creatures who take an action that causes them to look at you, such as attacking, must make a saving throw or become subject to the effects of your gaze. Prior to taking an action, creatures can attempt to avert their eyes. This grants you 1/2 cover against their action, and even so, there's still a 50% chance they accidentally meet your gaze. Alternately, they can close their eyes or blindfold themselves, preventing any such risk. While blinded, you are considered invisible against any action they take.
On your turn, you may take a standard action to actively gaze at a target within 30 feet. Doing so requires them to make a saving throw against your gaze, regardless of whether they are taking steps to avoid it. Each round the spell is active, you can target a new creature, provided they haven't successfully saved against this casting of the spell.
When you cast the spell, you gain one of the following gaze attacks. After choosing, the gaze cannot be changed.