

2nd level Transmutation

Classes: Alchemist, Bard, Magus, Sorcerer, Witch, Wizard

Domains: Animal, Mutation, Plant, Strength

Components: V, S, M (An empty cocoon)

Casting Time: Standard

Range: 400 ft

Target: Self

Duration: 1 hour (D)

Saving Throw: 0

Spell Resistance: Yes

Description: This spell and all its varieties change your physical form into that of another creature. Polymorph requires you to hold a clear mental image of the new form, so you can only change into creatures you have encountered or studied thoroughly. When polymorphing to another form, worn equipment is melded into the new form and no longer available. Any effects from these objects are temporarily nullified. Melded equipment and clothing return to normal if the spell's effects expire. Carried objects are still carried or dropped after the change.

You gain the basic physical features of the new form, but retain the supernatural, magical, or mental features of your current form. Specifically:

In your new form you retain your ability scores, but all ability checks, skill checks, and saves are influenced by your new body. If the creature you turn into normally has a higher ability score than yours, then you gain advantage rolls related to that ability. Likewise, you gain disadvantage if the creature would normally have a lower score.

Due to the unfamiliar nature of the new form, no precision damage (i.e. sneak attack) is possible while polymorphed. Also, incorporeal, gaseous, or were-creature forms are not allowed by any polymorph variation.

Leveling: The higher the spell level the more control you have over the new form, allowing you to transform into different creature types at different sizes. Consult the tables below to determine the characteristics of your new form.

Table: Movement at each spell level

Spell LevelMovement Type
WalkClimbSwimFlyBurrowEarth Glide
2No Max3030------
3No Max303030----
4No Max6060602020
5No Max6090903030
6+No MaxNo MaxNo MaxNo MaxNo MaxNo Max

Table: abilities gained at each level.

While you don't have access to spell-like and supernatural abilities of your new form, you do gradually gain access to extraordinary abilities, per the table below. If you adopt the form of a dragon, you also gain access to a breath weapon at level 6 and higher.

Spell Level Extraordinary AbilitiesDragon Breath Weapon
2Qualities OnlyNone
3Qualities OnlyNone
4All Actions and Qualities except those gained at levels 5-7None
5Bonus damages (poison, fire, cold, sonic, electricity, etc.) None
6Immunities, Vulnerabilities, Resistances1/day, 6d8 dmg
7Regeneration, fast healing2/day, 8d8 dmg
8AllUnlimited, 12d8 dmg, 1d4 round recharge)

Table: creature type, and CR restrictions per level.

The higher the spell level, the more options you have when it comes to polymorphed forms. The Max CR listed below is the maximum challenge rating of a creature you can turn into at the given spell level. Creature types you can change into are also listed. At level 2, you can only polymorph into other humanoids, but at higher levels you unlock more creature types at different sizes. You can never polymorph into a creature larger than Huge size or smaller than Tiny.

Level HumanoidsAnimalsMonstrous HumanoidsElementals*PlantsVerminDragon
3AnyCR 2CR 2CR 2------
4AnyCR 5CR 5CR 5CR 2CR 2--
5AnyChar LevelChar LevelChar LevelCR 5CR 5--
6AnyChar LevelChar LevelChar LevelChar LevelChar LevelChar Level
7AnyChar LevelChar LevelChar LevelChar LevelChar LevelChar Level
8AnyChar LevelChar LevelChar LevelChar LevelChar LevelChar Level

*Elementals includes only Air, Earth, Water, or Fire elementals. Not all creatures of the Elemental creature type.