8th level Conjuration
Classes: Sorcerer, Wizard
Domains: Water
Components: V, S, M (a cup of water)
Casting Time: Standard
Range: 400 ft
Target: Caster
Duration: 2 minutes
Spell Resistance: No
Description: You sheathe yourself within a churning column of pure elemental water up to 30 feet high that fills your space. You gain a swim speed equal to your land speed and can see, hear, and breathe normally within the seamantle, but attacks against you are treated as if you were under the surface of the water. Slashing and bludgeoning melee attacks against you are made at disadvantage and half damage, unless the target has freedom of movement. You receive 3/4 cover against ranged attacks. Magical attacks that require attack rolls are affected in the same way that normal attacks are. In addition, the seamantle grants you the following.