3rd level Transmutation
Domains: Earth, Plant
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: Standard
Range: 120 ft
Area: One 20-ft. square/level (D)
Duration: 8 hours
Saving Throw: DEX partial
Spell Resistance: Yes
Description: Any hard flooring like dirt, stone floors, or rocky ground becomes very hard and sharply pointed without changing its appearance. Creatures who are unaware of the change in terrain will not notice it until they are moving through it. Some creatures may suspect dangerous terrain (because they identified this spell when you cast it, because they are on the lookout for traps, because they took damage from the terrain already, etc.). If so, a successful investigation or traps check (standard action) will detect the boundary of the altered terrain.
Any creature moving on foot into or through the spell's area takes 1d4 points of piercing damage for each 5 feet of movement through the spiked area. Any creature that takes damage from this spell must also succeed on a DEX save or suffer injuries to its feet and legs that slow its land speed by one-half. This penalty lasts until the damage is cured or until a successful medicine check (against your spell save DC) is made.
Leveling: At level 4, the spikes deal 1d8 points of damage for every 5 feet of movement.