

3rd level Teleportation/Summoning

Classes: Magus, Sorcerer, Witch, Wizard

Domains: Travel

Components: V

Casting Time: Standard

Range: Touch

Target: You OR one willing creature

Duration: Instantaneous

Spell Resistance: No

Description: You teleport yourself or a willing creature to a space you can see within 500 feet. The destination must be a safe spot on solid ground.

Leveling: At level 4, you and a willing creature may both teleport together up to 500 feet. You can now also teleport to a destination you can't see, though you must be able to visualize or describe the destination. General descriptions that state direction and distance are sufficient, such as "200 feet straight downward" or "upward to the northwest at a 45-degree angle, 300 feet.” If the destination is occupied by an object or a creature, you and anyone travelling with you each take 3d10 force damage and the spell fails.

At level 5, this spell now teleports you to any location on the same plane of existence, provided you are very familiar with it. A very familiar destination is one that you've been very often, a place you have spent 1 hour studying carefully, or a place in sight. You can now take up to five willing creatures of your choice with you.

At level 7, you can now teleport to a location even if you aren't very familiar with it, though there's a chance your teleportation goes wrong. To teleport successfully, roll a d20 against a DC based on how well you know your destination -- seen casually (DC 3), viewed once (DC 6), never seen (DC 10). If successful, you and your party arrive at your destination without issues. If unsuccessful, your party appears in a random direction, 2d12 miles away from your target. If you roll a natural 1, your teleportation suffers a mishap. Everyone in the party suffers 3d10 force damage and must each individually re-roll d20 against the same DC to see where they end up. Multiple mishaps are possible.

At level 9, there is a 100% chance of arriving at any target on the same plane, even if you've never been there. You can take up to ten willing creatures with you.