
Wreath Of Blades

5th level Abjuration

Classes: Magus, Sorcerer, Witch, Wizard

Components: V, S, F (four mithral daggers, each worth at least 502 gp each)

Casting Time: Standard

Range: 400 ft

Target: Self

Duration: 1 round/level

Saving Throw: DEX half

Spell Resistance: No

Description: The daggers serving as focus of this spell take on a deadly sharpness as they animate and spin around you, creating a 5-foot-radius emanation of spinning mithral blades that moves with you. Any creature that starts its turn within the area of the spinning blades takes 5d4 points of slashing damage from silver weapons. Furthermore, the daggers ward off some attacks, in a way similar to the Warding Weapon spell. Any successful melee attacks that would threaten to disrupt spellcasting are turned into non-lethal damage and do not trigger a concentration check. All of the blades must share the same enhancement bonus and special weapon qualities.

Leveling: Each level above the minimum deals an extra 2d4 hp of damage.