
Skeleton Template

Skeletons are the animated bones of the dead, mindless automatons that obey the orders of their masters. A skeleton is seldom garbed in anything more than the rotting remnants of any clothing or armor it was wearing when slain. A skeleton does only what it is ordered to do. It can draw no conclusions of its own and takes no initiative. Because of this limitation, its instructions must always be simple.

"Skeleton" is an acquired template that can be added to any corporeal creature (other than an undead) that has a skeletal system. Use the template skeleton stat block below. When you see the [base] tag, fill in any value from the base creature. When you see [table], fill in the value from the table below. These values are dependent on the base-creature's original hit dice.

Base Creature HD* New CR New CP Bonus New HP New DC New AC New Touch AC Flat-Footed AC
1 0 0 5 13 10 + Dex Bonus Dex Bonus 10
2 1 1 10 14 11 + Dex Bonus Dex Bonus 11
3 1 1 15 14 11 + Dex Bonus Dex Bonus 11
4 2 2 20 15 12 + Dex Bonus Dex Bonus 12
5 2 2 25 15 12 + Dex Bonus Dex Bonus 12
6 3 3 30 16 13 + Dex Bonus Dex Bonus 13
7 3 3 35 16 13 + Dex Bonus Dex Bonus 13
8 4 4 40 17 14 + Dex Bonus Dex Bonus 14
9 4 4 45 17 14 + Dex Bonus Dex Bonus 14
10 5 5 50 18 15 + Dex Bonus Dex Bonus 15
11 5 5 55 18 15 + Dex Bonus Dex Bonus 15
12 6 6 60 19 16 + Dex Bonus Dex Bonus 16
13 6 6 65 19 16 + Dex Bonus Dex Bonus 16
14 6 7 70 19 16 + Dex Bonus Dex Bonus 16
15 7 7 75 20 17 + Dex Bonus Dex Bonus 17
16 7 8 80 20 17 + Dex Bonus Dex Bonus 17
17 7 8 85 20 17 + Dex Bonus Dex Bonus 17
18 8 9 90 21 18 + Dex Bonus Dex Bonus 18
19 8 9 95 21 18 + Dex Bonus Dex Bonus 18
20 8 10 100 21 18 + Dex Bonus Dex Bonus 18

*Disregard any HD from class levels. Creatures with more than 20 HD can't be made into skeletons.

Skeleton Stat Block

CR [table], N [base size] Undead

Senses: Perception 0, Darkvision 60

Speed: [base] ; Skills: None

Languages: None

Ability Scores: Str [base], Dex [base +2], Con --, Int --, Wis 10, Cha 1

Saving Throws: Str [base], Dex [base +1], Con --, Int --, Wis +0, Cha -5

INIT: [base +4]  CP: [table]  HP: [table]  SA: --  DC: [table]

AC: [table]  Touch: [table]  Flat-footed: [table]

SR: --  Vulnerable: Good 1  Resistant: Piercing 5, Slashing 5  Bypass: --

Immunity: Cold, Bleed, Poison, Necrotic, Psychic   Effect Immunity: Con Save Effects, Death Effects, Disease, Fatigue, Life Drain, Mental Effects, Paralysis, Ability Damage, Sleep, Stun, Suffocation, Starvation


[Retains only EX abilities from base creature that improve melee or ranged attacks]

