

For centuries, healers and chemists studied the art of using physical concoctions to alter the body's function. Some of these dabbling chemists were even able to use their skills to provide some minor benefit with their brews. But these are few and far between. Even rarer is the true alchemist, who is able to do more than crush a few plants or brew teas. The alchemist is one who has learned to capture the essence of arcane power in liquid form. She is able to cast spells by drinking her concoctions and is even able to enhance her physical form through chemical means.

LevelBombs per Day (+ int mod)Bomb Damage (+ int mod)Splash Damage (+ int mod)Combat Proficiency Bonus
LevelNew Abilities
1stMundane alchemy, skill focus (alchemy), extracts, mutagens, bombs, alchemical technique slot, technique
2ndPoison resistance, new bomb type
3rdSwift alchemy, new standard technique
4thEnhanced mutagens
5thNew bomb type
6thNew standard technique
7thSwift poisoning
8thNew bomb type, enhanced mutagens, extra attack
9thNew standard technique
10thPoison immunity
11thNew bomb type
12thEnhanced mutagens, bomb type technique, new standard technique
13thPersistent mutagen
14thNew bomb type
15thNew standard technique, extra attack
16thEnhanced mutagens
17thNew bomb type, instant alchemy
18thNew standard technique
20thGrand discovery, enhanced mutagens
LevelExtracts Per Day

Class Features

Prime Ability: Intelligence

Hit Points: d8 + Con bonus per level

Skill Points: Low (2 per level)

Knowledge Points: High (6 per level)

Save DC: 10 + Character Level + Int Bonus

Spell Attack Bonus: Character Level + Int Bonus

Starting Proficiencies

Weapon: Simple Weapon Proficiency, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Bombs), Improvised Weapon Proficiency

Armor Proficiency: Light Armor Proficiency (no shield proficiencies)

Other Proficiencies: Brew Potion, Bomb Proficiency

Magic Items

You can use wands or staves if the spell appears on your formulae list but not scrolls (unless you make a Magic Items check).

Mundane Alchemy

You are familiar with mundane alchemy and can make Alchemical Creations such as smoke-sticks, acid, and tinctures. You do this though your Craft (Alchemy) skill. As with most knowledge categories, you can train this Craft by adding knowledge points to it each time you level up. As an alchemist, you also have the Skill Focus (Alchemy) ability. As a level 1 alchemist, you start with a travelling alchemical kit which gives you the tools to make basic versions of these creations while adventuring.


You can prepare and use extracts, a special type of magical potion that allows you to cast a spell by drinking them. Extract-based spells function as normal spells except that they only affect you.

Each day, you can create a number of extracts per the table above. When you mix an extract, you infuse the chemicals and reagents with magic siphoned from your own magical aura. An extract immediately becomes inert if it leaves your possession, though it reactivates if you pick it up again. An extract remains potent for 1 day before becoming inert, so you must re-prepare extracts every day. Mixing an extract takes 1 minute of work--most alchemists prepare extracts at the start of the day or just before going on an adventure, but it's not uncommon for an alchemist to keep some (or even all) of his daily extract slots open so that he can prepare extracts in the field as needed.

You can prepare an extract for any spell recorded in your formulae book. You must refer to this book whenever you prepare an extract but not when you consume it. As a 1st level alchemist, you begin play with two 1st level formulae of your choice. At each new alchemist level, you automatically gain one new formula of any level. You can also add formulae to your book just like a wizard adds spells to his spellbook, using the same costs and time requirements. You can study a wizard's spellbook to learn any formula that is equivalent to a spell the spellbook contains. A wizard, however, cannot learn spells from a formula book.

Mutagen (Su)

You can create a mutagen that alters your body and heightens your physical prowess. It takes 1 hour to brew a dose of mutagen, and once brewed, it remains potent until used. You can only maintain one dose of mutagen at a time--if you brew a second dose, any existing mutagen becomes inert, even if it is currently at work in your body.

When you brew a mutagen, select one physical ability score to be enhanced--Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution. When imbibed (standard action), the mutagen causes you to grow bulkier and more bestial, granting you a +2 dodge bonus to AC and a +4 enhancement bonus to the selected ability score for 10 minutes per alchemist level. During that time, you also take a –2 penalty to one of your mental ability scores. If the mutagen enhances Strength, you received a penalty to Intelligence. If it enhances Dexterity, you receive a penalty to Wisdom. If it enhances Constitution, you receive a penalty to Charisma.

A non-alchemist who drinks a mutagen must make a CON save (DC = your save DC) or become nauseated for 1 hour. DUring this time, they cannot take any actions aside from movement. A non-alchemist can never gain the benefit of a mutagen, but an alchemist can gain the effects of another alchemist's mutagen if he drinks it. The effects of multiple mutagens do not stack.

Bombs (Ex)

You have proficiency creating and using bombs. This functions as the Bomb Proficiency except that the damage and number of bombs you can use grows as your character progresses (see table above). The bonus damage beyond the initial 1d6+Int is not multiplied on critical hits or increased by techniques such as vital strike. A standard bomb deals fire damage, though as you advance, you are able to learn other types of bombs (see bomb types). You decide the type of bomb when you create it, choosing from among the types you have already learned. At level 2 and every three levels afterwards (levels 2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, and 20), you learn to craft a new bomb type.

Poison Resistance (Ex)

At 2nd level, you gain advantage on all saving throws against poison.

Swift Alchemy (Ex)

At 3rd level, you can create alchemical items with using half the normal amount of time. You can also apply poison to a weapon as a move action.

Enhanced Mutagens

At level 4, you can choose to enhance your mutagen. This causes the mutagen's dodge bonus and physical ability to increase by 1 (max +4).

Every four levels, you can continue to enhance your mutagen. Once the physical ability bonus reaches +6, the mutagen can also increase a second ability score by +4. In this case, you receive penalties to two mental abilities as well. As you continue to enhance your mutagens, both scores increase by 1. Instead of enhancing your mutagen, you may instead devote research to developing a special one-time-use mutagen that causes a physical alteration to your body. These mutations are permanent and physical, and short of a wish spell cannot be removed through magical means. See Alchemist Body Mutations.

Swift Poisoning (Ex)

At 7th level, you can apply a dose of poison to a weapon as a bonus action.

Extra Attacks (Ex)

At level 8 and again at level 15, you gain an extra attack that you can make when making a full attack. In a full attack, all attacks except for your first are made at a -5 penalty.

Poison Immunity (Ex)

At 10th level, you become immune to the effects of all poisons.

Persistent Mutagen (Su)

At 13th level, the effects of a mutagen last for 1 hour per level.

Instant Alchemy (Ex)

At 17th level, you can create alchemical items with almost supernatural speed. You can create any alchemical item as a full-round action if you succeed at the Craft (alchemy) check and have the appropriate resources at hand to fund the creation. You can apply poison to a weapon as a reaction.

Grand Discovery (Su)

At 20th level, you make a grand discovery, representing a truly astounding alchemical breakthrough of significant import. For many alchemists, the promise of one of these grand discoveries is the primary goal of their experiments and hard work.

Awakened Intellect: Your constant exposure to strange chemicals has expanded your mind. Your Intelligence score permanently increases by 2 points.

Eternal Youth: You have discovered a cure for aging, and from this point forward you take no penalty to physical ability scores from advanced age.

Fast Healing: Your flesh responds to damage with shocking speed. You gain fast healing 5.

Philosopher's Stone: You learn how to create a philosopher's stone and can do so once per month at no cost. Creating a philosopher's stone takes 1 day of work.

Poison Touch: You gain a poisonous touch, as if under the effects of a poison spell. You can suppress or activate this ability as a free action.

True Mutagen: Your mutagen now grants a +8 dodge bonus to AC and a +8 enhancement bonus to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution. You take a –2 penalty to his Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma as long as the mutagen persists.