

Some specialize in magical combat, others in proficiency of arms. The magus has learned to dual wield magic and weapons, combining the power of both.

LevelCombat Proficiency BonusTechnique SlotsOther New Abilities
1st+01stSpells, stamina, arcane synergy, cantrips, armed focus
3rd+2Enhanced weapon
4th+33rdArcane discipline, ability score increase
5th+3New Cantrip, arcane weapon properties
6th+44thArcane synergy without stamina
7th+5Enhanced weapon improvement
8th+65thExtra attack, ability score increase
9th+6Diverse training
10th+76thNew Cantrip
11th+8Enhanced weapon improvement
12th+97thAbility score increase
15th+11New Cantrip, extra attack, enhanced weapon improvement
16th+129thAbility score increase, Wily Jab
19th+14Greater spell access, enhanced weapon improvement
20th+1511thTrue Magus, ability score increase
LevelSpell Slots Per Day

Class Features

Prime Ability: Intelligence

Hit Points: d8 + Constitution bonus per level

Skill Points: Low (2 per level)

Knowledge Points: Medium (4 per level)

Save DC: 10 + Character Level + Int Bonus

Spell Attack: Character Level + Int Bonus

Starting Proficiencies

Weapon Proficiency: Simple Weapon Proficiency

Armor Proficiency: Light Armor Proficiency

Flexible Proficiencies

Magi have a diverse set of talents. At level 1, you can choose one of the following proficiency groups.

Like all proficiencies, multiclassing players do not get access to these groups either.


Like wizards, your magic comes from the study of arcane forces, recording these spells in a spellbook that you use to prepare your magic daily. All of your spells come from the Magus Spell List.

At level 1, you start out with a number of level 1 spells in your spellbook equal to 3 + your intelligence modifier. You acquire new spells in the following ways.

When learning a new spell from a spellbook, scroll, or library, you must make an arcana check (DC 15 + spell level) to learn the spell and record it in an arcane shorthand in your own spellbook. If you fail this check, you must wait until you gain more ranks in arcana before trying again.

After each long rest, you may spend 1 hour studying your spellbook and choosing which spells you will use for the day. You may prepare a number of spells equal to 2 + your magus level + your Intelligence bonus.

To cast your prepared spells, you expend a spell slot of the appropriate level. The prepared spell remains in your repertoire, and you may continue to re-cast the same spell over again provided you have spell slots available. The number of spell slots you get per day is dependent on your character level (see the table above).

See Spellcasting Basics and Spellbooks for more details about spellcasting.


Some spells are so minor or intuitive that they don't require spell slots. At level 1 you start by knowing three cantrips of your choice. Once chosen, you cannot change these, though you gain a new cantrip at level 5 and every fifth level afterward. Cantrips are cast like normal spells, except they don't require spell slots. You can cast them as many times as you wish.

See cantrips.

Armed Focus

When casting spells, you can use any held weapon to focus your magical energy. Your weapon functions as a divine focus (DF) instead of using material components.

Magus Techniques

As a magus, you learn techniques faster than most other classes. You gain a new technique at every even level.

Stamina (Su)

As a magus, you have access to a stamina pool that powers many of your magus techniques. At rest, your stamina pool is equal to 1/2 magus level + intelligence modifier (min 1). You gain 1 extra stamina point by scoring a critical hit on an attack. The target must not be helpless or unaware of you. Your stamina pool can increase up to double your base amount or drop down to zero. Your stamina pool resets to its base level after a short rest.

Arcane Synergy (Su)

If a spell normally takes a standard action to cast, you can use one stamina point to cast it as a movement action instead. At level 6, you can use Arcane Synergy without using stamina. Note that even when cast as a movement action, you can only cast one spell per round, though you can perform other actions (attacking, skill checks) using your standard action.

Arcane Recovery

You have learned to regain some of your magical energy by studying your spellbook. Once per day when you finish a Short Rest, you can choose expended Spell Slots to recover. The Spell Slots can have a combined level that is equal to or less than half your Magus level (rounded up), and none of the slots can be 6th level or higher.

For example, if you’re a 4th-level Magus, you can recover up to two levels worth of Spell Slots. You can recover either a 2nd-level spell slot or two 1st-level Spell Slots.

Spellstrike (Su)

At 2nd level, whenever you cast an spell with a range of "touch" and duration of “instantaneous” from the magus spell list, you can deliver the spell through a free melee attack. This attack functions like a normal attack and takes the place of the free touch attack you normally receive as part of casting the spell. If successful, this melee attack deals its normal damage as well as the effects of the spell. As with all touch spells, if unsuccessful, you may continue to concentrate on the spell, in which case the spell will be discharged on the next successful melee attack. This attack uses the weapon's critical range, but not its critical multiplier.

You can combine Spellstrike with Arcane Synergy to cast a spell as a movement action and deliver that spell’s effect through a strike of your weapon. When doing so, you may still use your standard action to make a normal attack at your regular attack bonus.

Enhanced Weapon (Su)

At 3rd level, you can expend 1 point from your stamina pool as a bonus action to grant your weapon a masterwork property. This magical enhancement lasts for 1 minute or until the weapon leaves your hand. You can only grant one masterwork property at a time. If you add an enhancement bonus to your weapon, this stacks with any previous enhancement bonuses to a maximum of +5.

At level 3, you can grant one of the following properties.

At level 7, you may instead grant one of the following.

At level 11, you may instead grant a +3 enhancement bonus

At level 15, you may instead grant the Speed property.

At level 19, you may instead make your weapon a Vorpal weapon.

Arcane Discipline

At level 4, choose one of the following disciplines to augment your magical abilities.

Extra Attacks (Ex)

At level 8 and again at level 15, you gain an extra attack that you can make when making a full attack. In a full attack, all attacks except for your first ones are made at a -5 penalty.

Diverse Training (Ex)

Starting at 9th level, you may use common abilities and techniques usually restricted to another class: fighter, rogue, or barbarian (your choice of one). If you choose a fighter technique that cannot be a focus technique (focus technique = “no”), it requires one stamina point in order to use.

Your effective fighter, rogue, or barbarian level for those abilities is equal to half your magus level. This stacks with levels you already have in those classes. If you choose fighter techniques, your stamina pool can be used to fuel any abilities that require fighter stamina.

Wily Jab (Ex)

At 16th level, whenever you use Arcane Synergy, you may use your bonus action to make an extra melee attack. This can be in addition to any attack you make with your standard action.

Greater Spell Access (Su)

At 19th level, you gain access to an expanded spell list. You learn 12 spells (two spells from each level 1 through 6) from the wizard’s spell list and can instantly copy them into your spellbook. You can ignore the somatic component of these spells.

True Magus (Su)

At 20th level, you become a master of spells and combat, gaining the following.