

The spellwright weaves powerful magics, but instead of casting them out into the world, they channel that magic into physical objects. Many spellwrights are also tinkerers of mechanical or magical items. They are explorers, searching to understand the way that items are put together and looking for ways to create new things that have never been seen before.

LevelCombat Proficiency BonusInfusionsTechniques
Max LevelMax # Items
LevelNew Abilities
1stArcane Detection, Mundane Crafter, Spellwright's Tools, Diverse Proficiency 1  
3rdTechnique, Salvage
4thDiverse Proficiency 2, Ability Score Increase
5thLevel 2 Infusions, New Cantrip
6thTechnique, Specialized Knowledge
7thDiverse Proficiency 3, Efficient Crafting
8thLevel 3 Infusions, Ability Score Increase, Extra Attack
9thTechnique, Skill Focus (Magic Items)
10thDiverse Proficiency 4, New Cantrip, Spellwright's Tools (Fabricate)
11thLevel 4 Infusions
12thTechnique, Ability Score Increase
13thDiverse Proficiency 5
14thLevel 5 Infusions
15thTechnique, New Cantrip, Extra Attack
16thDiverse Proficiency 6, Ability Score Increase
17thLevel 6 Infusions
19thDiverse Proficiency 7
20thCapstone Ability, Ability Score Increase, New Cantrip

Class Features

Prime Ability: Intelligence

Hit Points: d8 + Con Bonus per level

Skill Points: Low (2 per level)

Knowledge Points: High (6 per level)

Save DC: 10 + Character Level + Int Bonus

Spell Attack Bonus: Character Level + Int Bonus

Starting Proficiencies

Weapon: Simple Weapon Proficiency

Armor Proficiency: Light Armor Proficiency, Medium Armor Proficiency, Shield Proficiency

Other Proficiencies: Locksmith

Arcane Detection (Ex)

You have experience with a wide variety of magic items and can recognize them more easily. My taking 1 minute to examine an item, you can make a spell attack at DC 15. If successful, you know whether the item is magical and what kind of aura it emits.

Mundane Crafter (Ex)

Even though you are not a spellcaster, when crafting items, you can emulate magic spells required to create the item. Instead of casting the required spell, you simply have to make a magic items check (DC 10 + spell level). If you fail this check, you try again each day until successful. As usual, you can also complete the crafting by using a scroll or by having someone else cast the spell for you. The maximum spell level you can emulate is equal to half your spellwright level (rounded up).

Diverse Proficiency (Ex)

Spellwrights are collectors of diverse knowledge, making them proficient in many different skills. At level 1, you gain expertise in one of the following.

At level 4 and every 3 levels afterward, you may select another type of magic item to become proficient in.

At level 8 and beyond, when you select a proficiency, you may also choose from the following.

Spellwright's Tools (Su)

No tradesperson is complete without their tools. The spellwright uses a set of special arcane tools for their crafting. These tools are specially designed to harness arcane energy and more efficiently combine it with physical objects. The exact look and design of your spellwright's tools are up to you, but while using them you gain the following advantages:

Infusions (Su)

At level 2, you can enhance items by using your spellwright's tools to infuse them with arcane energy. Infusing takes a standard action wherein you touch the desired item and place a piece of your own arcane energy into it. Infused items are magical and are treated as spell-like effects. As such, they are subject to anti-magic fields, you can be interrupted while creating them, and you can apply metamagic to them by increasing the infusion level, just like metamagic normally does to spell levels. Infused items will remain enchanted until dispelled, until you die, or until you dismiss the infusion as a free action.

Like spells, infusions can be created as various levels (up through level 6). When you are capable of using infusions of a certain level, you automatically know all infusions at that level and can use them when you want. When you first start out, you can only infuse one, level-1 item, though this increases as you level up (see table). If you have already infused the maximum number of items available to you, you have to first dismiss one of your previous items and then infuse the new item.

No matter how many infusions you can perform at a time, items cannot take two infusions at once. You can re-use the same infusion on multiple items (assuming you have item slots available), except when:

  1. the infusion belongs to your highest level available at the moment
  2. the infusion is level 5 or level 6.

See Infusion List.

Salvage (Ex)

At level 3, you gain the ability to deconstruct a magic item and use its parts to create another. Doing so takes 4 hours worth of work, after which the item is destroyed and you gain parts worth the gold piece value that it took to create the item. These parts cannot be sold but may be used to defray the cost of creating another magic item. To salvage an item, you must have the appropriate item creation proficiency.

Specialized Knowledge (Ex)

At level 6, you've discovered how to craft a fairly uncommon type of item. Choose one of the following:

Efficient Crafting (Ex)

At level 7, you've learned to craft simple magic items quicker and cheaper. When using your spellwright's tools to craft an item, you automatically craft items at half the price and half the construction time without needing to make a skill check. You still can only craft items where 20 + your skill score is at least equal to the DC of the item to be crafted.

Extra Attack (Ex)

At level 8, you gain an extra attack that you can use when making a full attack. In a full attack, all attacks except for your first ones are made at a -5 penalty.

Skill Focus Magic Items (Ex)

At level 9, you gain skill focus (magic items).

Flash of Genius (Ex)

At level 13, your quick thinking and insightful ideas help allies out of tight spots, even when there's but a moment to spare. Once per short rest, when you or an ally has to make a saving throw, you can use a reaction to grant them advantage on the roll.

Extra Attack (Ex)

At level 15, you gain another extra attack that you can use when making a full attack. In a full attack, all attacks except for your first ones are made at a -5 penalty.

Create Artifact (Su)

At level 20, your ability to craft magical items reaches its apex and, you have discovered how to craft a single, unique, powerful magical artifact. Work with your GM to select one minor artifact or to create your own of comparable power. Creation of this artifact doesn't require a Magic Items check, but it does require the time and money -- usually between 30,000 - 50,000 gp. and a month worth of work. When finished, the artifact contains a part of your soul and will instantly attune to you when you are holding it. If the item has left your presence, you always know its exact location as long as it is within 50 miles -- as per the Discern Location spell but with limited range.