
Guardian Naga

CR 10, LG Large Aberration

Senses: Perception 23, Darkvision 60

Speed: 40 ft.  Skills: Deception 16, Insight 20, Persuasion 16, Stealth 17, Arcana 18

Languages: Celestial, Common

Ability Scores: Str 21 (+10), Dex 23 (+18), Con 20 (+10), Int 16 (+15), Wis 19 (+16), Cha 18 (+16)

INIT: +6  CP: +9  HP: 114 (12d8+60)  SA: 13  DC: 23

AC: 24  Touch: 15  Flat-footed: 18 [+6 Dodge, +9 Natural, -1 Size]

SR: --  Vulnerable: --  Resistant: --  Bypass: --

Immunity: --  Effect Immunity: --


Blind-Fight (ex) - The Guardian Naga is proficient in fighting without the use of sight and gets +3 on all vision-based cover rolls. They are also not flat-footed when defending against invisible Guardian Nagas and can move at full speed while blinded.

Improved Grappling (ex) - This creature is an expert grappler. It can use its level + strength bonus when making a grapple. This grapple check still counts as a skill check.

Eschew Materials (su) - The caster does not need material components to cast a spell.




Environment: temperate plains

Organization: solitary, pair, nest (3-6)

Treasure: standard

A contemplative humanoid face framed by a cobra-like hood adorns the body of this long, brightly colored serpent.