

CR 6, CE Medium Outsider (demon, extraplanar)

Senses: Perception 13, Darkvision 60

Speed: 30 ft., fly 50 ft. (average)  Skills: Athletics 11, Deception 16, Insight 13, Intimidation 16, Persuasion 16, Stealth 11, Arcana 14, Planes 14

Languages: Abyssal, Celestial, Common, telepathy (100 ft.), tongues

Ability Scores: Str 20 (+13), Dex 15 (+5), Con 18 (+12), Int 16 (+11), Wis 15 (+10), Cha 21 (+13)

INIT: +2  CP: +8  HP: 76 (8d10+32)  SA: 9  DC: 19

AC: 18  Touch: 12  Flat-footed: 16 [+2 Dodge, +6 Natural]

SR: 19  Vulnerable: --  Resistant: Cold 10, Fire 10, Weapons 10  Bypass: Cold iron, Good

Immunity: Electricity, Poison  Effect Immunity: Sleep


Power Attack (ex) - A Incubus may choose to take a penalty to its attack roll (up to -5). For each point of penalty, the Incubus does one extra point of damage. The Incubus must decide to use power attack at the beginning of its turn and it applies to all attack made until the start of its next turn.

Constant Spell-Like Abilities (Sp) - The following spells are always active: Tongues


Vital Strike (ex) - As a standard action, the Incubus can make one attack at full bonus that deals additional damage. Roll the damage from the attack twice before adding other damage bonuses. This extra weapon damage is not multiplied on a critical hit but is still added to the total.

Change Shape (su) - The Incubus can transform into any humanoid form as per polymorph level 2.

Spell Like Abilities (1/day)Spell Like Abilities (At Will)

Environment: Extraplanar (Abyss)

Organization: None

Treasure: standard (masterwork scimitar, other treasure)

This darkly handsome humanoid's batlike wings, curving horns, and bestial legs betray his demonic origin.

An incubus in his true form is always muscular and attractive, with long hair and intense eyes. His skin can be of any color, but is always smooth and silky. When not using his wings for flight, an incubus can fold them to drape across its shoulders like a cloak-many decorate both the inside and outside of their wings with tattoos, ink, or self-inflicted scars. Incubi stand between 6 and 6-1/2 feet tall and typically weigh 200 pounds. When not in battle, incubi serve as counselors, torturers, and companions for greater demons. They are also often conjured for similar roles by mortal spellcasters, although care must be taken in dalliances with incubi, for they delight in causing pain to their companions. Like succubi, incubi form from the chaotic evil souls of particularly lustful and rapacious mortals. Yet whereas succubi are subtle and methodical about using their charms to cause ruin, the typical incubus is forthright and forceful about his insatiable desires.