

CR 4, CN Small Fey

Senses: Perception 14, Low Light Vision

Speed: 30 ft.  Skills: Acrobatics 7, Deception 10, Stealth 16

Languages: Common, Sylvan

Ability Scores: Str 19 (+6), Dex 17 (+9), Con 14 (+4), Int 12 (+7), Wis 14 (+8), Cha 13 (+7)

INIT: +3  CP: +3  HP: 33 (6d6+12)  SA: 7  DC: 17

AC: 17  Touch: 15  Flat-footed: 13 [+4 Dodge, +2 Natural, +1 Size]

SR: 17  Vulnerable: Cold iron 2  Resistant: --  Bypass: --

Immunity: --  Effect Immunity: --


Mobility (ex) - All attacks of opportunity made against the Korred are done at disadvantage.


Stone Stride (su) - This creature can travel through stones. This functions like tree stride, except that it works on large boulders instead of trees.

Animated Hair (Free)(su) - A korred's hair is constantly writhing and twitching. As a free action, a korred can cause its long hair to reach out and interfere with adjacent creatures-tugging at clothes and weapons, tangling feet and arms, tickling, and generally making a nuisance of itself. The korred can select which adjacent targets are affected by its animated hair. These targets must make a successful Dex save each round to avoid becoming entangled for 1 round.

Stunning Laugh (su, Sonic, Mental, 3/day) - This creature can unleash a strange laugh that stuns all creatures within a 30-foot burst for 1d2 rounds (Con save negates).

Spell Like Abilities (1/day)Spell Like Abilities (At Will)

Environment: temperate forests

Organization: solitary, pair, gang (3-6)

Treasure: standard (club, rope, shears, other treasure)

This knobby-kneed, stunted humanoid, has a particularly thick beard and wild mane of hair, hiding most of its body from view.

Korreds are an ancient fey race who like forested areas with nice, rocky ground. They resemble small, wildhaired humanoids with wild, knotted hair. Korreds especially like to dance in ancient stone circles within forest glades, often led by satyrs with panpipes. They are a shy race and do not take kindly to outsiders discovering them, even by accident. They almost always attack nonkorreds who stumble into their territory, seeking to kill them or at least drive them off. Korred clothing normally consists of a simple leather apron, jerkin, or kilt, leaving their legs uncovered and their feet bare. Their clothes usually have a large pocket or pouch to hold their belongings. A korred's hair and beard grow quickly, sometimes an inch a day, and the korred trims its hair when the locks become too unruly, saving the trimmings in its pocket so it can weave them into ropes for its animate rope spell-like ability.

Armed with a club that seems too large for it to wield, a korred is a satyrlike creature that dwells deep in the forest. Korreds keep their belongings in a large pouch; the contents of such a pouch vary with the tastes of the individual, but all korreds carry shears with which to cut their matted hair when it becomes too long. A korred opens combat using its laugh to stun its opponents. It follows this with its animated hair attack. Entangled foes are pelted with rocks or attacked with shears. Korreds are automatically proficient with their shears. Korred Shears (Exotic Light Melee Weapon) Korred Shears: Cost N/A (cannot be bought); Damage 1d4 (S), 1d6 (M); Crit x3, Weight 1 lb., Type slashing.