

CR 1, N Small Fey (aquatic)

Senses: Perception 6, Low Light Vision

Speed: 20 ft., swim 30 ft.  Skills: Athletics -1, Deception 9, Stealth 12, Animals 6

Languages: Aquan, Sylvan

Ability Scores: Str 7 (-2), Dex 16 (+6), Con 13 (+1), Int 12 (+4), Wis 13 (+4), Cha 18 (+7)

INIT: +3  CP: +1  HP: 9 (2d6+2)  SA: 4  DC: 14

AC: 14  Touch: 14  Flat-footed: 11 [+3 Dodge, +1 Size]

SR: 14  Vulnerable: Cold iron 2  Resistant: --  Bypass: --

Immunity: --  Effect Immunity: --


Amphibious (ex) - Even though aquatic, the creature can exist indefinitely on land.

Water Breathing (ex) - The creature can breathe under water.


Wild Empathy (su) - A Nixie can attempt to improve the attitude of animals by making an Animal Handling check at advantage. Doing so requires 1 minute of time, and the Nixiemust be within 30 feet of the animal.

Spell Like Abilities (1/day)Spell Like Abilities (3/day)

Environment: temperate water

Organization: gang (2-4), band (6-11), tribe (20-80)

Treasure: standard (light crossbow with 20 bolts, short sword, other treasure)

This green-skinned fey has webbed hands and feet. Its hair is the color of seaweed, and is decorated with shells.

Nixies are guardians of ponds, rivers, lakes, and springs. They prefer dwelling in idyllic places, which they protect from the depredations of predators and careless humanoids. While this often involves confusing enemies and driving foes away, nixies are not afraid of spilling blood to protect their homes-though they prefer not to resort to such means unless completely necessary. Nixies are 4 feet tall and rarely weigh more than 45 pounds. Nixies avoid combat if possible, using charm person to lead humanoids away from their lairs. They sometimes use this ability to enslave people to act as protectors or help with a task that is simply too big for them to deal with. They cast water breathing on charmed creatures helping with tasks below the surface. Nixies are reclusive and prefer to keep their presence hidden. They make lairs underwater, forming small communities if their numbers are great enough. Legends speak of a secret nixie kingdom at the bottom of a great lake, but no one has yet confirmed its location. BOG NIXIES In some lands, nixies are evil creatures who lead folk to drown in their waters, either by captivating their targets with song or by assuming the form of an animal or humanoid and tricking a hunter or explorer into dangerous waters. These evil nixies prefer dwelling in festering swamps or blighted fens, and are typically known as bog nixies. The fact that a bog nixie can grant minor wishes, ironically, only increases their opportunities for evil, as brave or foolish explorers deliberately seek them out. A bog nixie is a neutral evil nixie with the advanced creature template who has the following additional powers. A bog nixie's CR is +2 higher than a normal nixie's. Captivating Song (Su): This works like the harpy ability of the same name. The save DC is Charisma-based. Change Shape (Su): This works as polymorph, and allows the bog nixie to assume the form of any Small or Medium aquatic animal or humanoid. Minor Wish (Sp): Once per day, a bog nixie can create a magical effect in exchange for a gift or service from a humanoid. The power of this wish is no greater than what can be done with a 3rd-level spell.