This creature resembles a short and slight elf wearing drab clothes and a wicked grin. In a blink, the thing darts from sight.
Few creatures can match the speed of a quickling. These malicious fey creatures delight in striking with blinding speed and accuracy, often killing their victims without ever fully revealing themselves; the victim simply spurts blood and falls over dead, with no witnesses to the quickling's deed. Though related to brownies and grigs, quicklings share none of their kin's generosity or merriment, choosing instead to live a life of cruelty and viciousness. Quicklings pride themselves on insults and brutality, and frequently stalk and harass their quarry until the victim gives up the chase. While quicklings are naturally invisible when motionless, they rarely contain themselves, and bob and twitch while standing and talking to other creatures. Quicklings hate every other race of creature, particularly elves, gnomes, and other kinds of fey. They barely tolerate their own kind, and rarely work together for longer than a few weeks. Quicklings stand just over 2-1/2 feet tall and weigh 15 pounds.
Believed to be the offspring of an elf and a brownie (see that entry), the quickling is an evil faerie creature that hates all other races (especially the other fey races). How they came to be evil and malign is still a mystery, but legend speaks of the first quicklings as being great sorcerers. Elven scholars believe these quickling sorcerers unleashed some spark of the arcane that was never meant for mortal creatures. Quicklings resemble small elves with large ears that rise to points above their heads. Their skin is pale blue to blue-white and hair is either silver or white. They prefer clothes of bright and boisterous colors; reds, yellows, silvers, blacks, and blues are among their favorites. Quicklings never wear armor. Quicklings speak Common and Aklo. Both are spoken so quickly that even those able to speak one of the languages may still find it difficult to converse with a quickling. Because of their rapid metabolism, quicklings reach adulthood by the age of 2, middle age at 5, old age at 12, and venerable at age 15. No creature can match the natural speed and agility of a quickling. It knows this, and uses its great speed to its advantage in combat. A quickling often rushes an opponent, stabs it with its dagger, and then retreats out of melee range before an opponent can react. Kava Leaf Poison: Type ingestion or injury; save DC 15; frequency 1/min. for 2 min.; effect sleep 1 hour; cure 1 save.