

Medicines vary widely from one region to another. In a fantasy world, there are also hundreds of mysterious ailments that can befall your characters. Rather than provide a list of specific medicines, below is a list of several medicine types and their general cost and stats.

There may be dozens of different medicines of the same type that all serve about the same function and share similar stats. The aesthetic of how these medicines are present in-game varies depending on the GM. Some campaigns may have many different medicines detailed out with their own descriptions and histories; others may simply rely on the generic medicine type when purchasing medicine. While general stats are presented below, the GM may decide to alter these depending on local economy. Some types of antiplague, for instance, may be very rare and maybe have a higher cost and DC, for instance.

Creating medicine uses the standard crafting rules. Medicine checks can be made when crafting most items below, though Craft (Alchemy) may also be substituted for some. Some medicines may be herbal in nature. If so, gathering rules for finding herbs may apply, and crafting checks may be made as a Nature check, as well.

Medicine TypePriceWeightCrafting
Antiplague25 gp.--Average206 gp.12 hrs.
Antidote25 gp.--Average206 gp.12 hrs.
Balm25 gp.--Average206 gp.12 hrs.
Darkening Drops10 gp.--Simple152 gp.8 hrs.
Nootropic Medicine100 gp.--Difficult2525 gp.24 hrs.
Protective Drops10 gp.--Simple152 gp.8 hrs.
Recovery Medicine100 gp.--Difficult2025 gp.24 hrs.
Smelling salts25 gp.--Average206 gp.12 hrs.
Stillgut25 gp.--Average206 gp.12 hrs.
Styptic10 gp.--Simple152 gp.8 hrs.
Wound care50 gp.--Simple1520 gp.4 hrs.
Specific Medicine
Troll oil225 gp.1 lb.Very Difficult3056 gp.30 hrs.
Troll styptic400 gp.--Masterwork35100 gp.40 hrs.
Wolfsbane5 sp.----------

Medicine Types


Antiplague grants advantage on Con saving throws against disease for the next hour. Antiplague may come in many different varieties and may be designed to counter specific types of disease.


Antidotes grant advantage on Con saving throws against poison for the next hour. Antidotes may come in many different varieties and may be designed to counter specific types of poison.


These medicines help cure the damage done by extreme heat or cold. When applied you will regain ability damage caused by these sources at twice the normal rate. One dose of balm lasts for a long rest.

Darkening Drops

These eye drops are added directly to the eyes, darkening the light around you. You perceive any bright light as normal light, and any condition that would dazzle you is mitigated as long as the drops remain active. One dose of drops lasts for 10 minutes.

Nootropic Medicine

A nootropic medicine improves mental clarity and function, temporarily suppressing confusion and similar effects. These drugs are typically short-lived, usually lasting 1d4+1 rounds, and the confusion effect returns after the drug wears off.

Protective Drops

Protective drops are applied directly to the eyes where they coat the eye and protect it from harm. While these drops don't mitigate the effects of bright light (see darkening drops), they do protect against physical harm (acid, fire, etc.). One dose of drops lasts for 10 minutes.

Recovery Medicine

These medicines help boost the body's own healing abilities, doubling the rate of natural healing for hp and ability damage. Recovery medicine doesn't stack with the doubled healing rate that comes from a medicine check made to provide care, though it can be used in place of such care if no one skilled is available. Bone Reed (see herbs) is one of the more common medicines of this type.

Smelling Salts

These sharply scented gray crystals cause people inhaling them to regain consciousness. Smelling salts grant you a new saving throw to resist any spell or effect that has already rendered you unconscious or staggered. If exposed to smelling salts while dying, you immediately become conscious and staggered, but must still make stabilization checks each round; if you perform any standard action (or any other strenuous action) you take 1 point of damage after completing the act and fall unconscious again. A container of smelling salts has dozens of uses if stoppered after each use, but depletes in a matter of hours if left opened.


Stillgut medicine helps remove effects that cause nausea or sickness by granting advantage on any saves made to avoid those conditions in the next hour. If you are currently suffering from one of those conditions when you take stillgut, you may make another save at advantage to attempt to recover.


A styptic medicine specializes in stopping bleeding when applied directly to the wound, causing any bleed damage to immediately stop.

Wound Care

Wound care medicines function like healing potions, restoring lost hit points. Basic wound care items heal 1d8+1 and cost (50 gp).

Specific Medicines

Bone Reed

This aquatic grass resembles translucent white horsetail.

Terrain: any swamps

Preparation: A bone reed must be pressed and dried properly.

Use: A creature that sleeps for at least 8 hours in 1 day with a bone reed bound to one of its arms or legs heals double the normal ability damage and hit point damage. A bone reed loses its effectiveness after use. Binding a bone reed to a limb requires 1 minute of work.


A plant with white or yellow umbral flowers, and leaves with thousands of small branches.

Terrain: forests or mountains

Use: When a dose of prepared leechwort is used in conjunction with a Medicine check to stabilize a dying creature, provide long-term care, treat wounds from caltrops (or similar effects), or treat deadly wounds, it grants a +1 circumstance bonus on the check. This increases to a +2 circumstance bonus on Medicine checks to stop bleed damage.

Troll Oil

Use: This crimson liquid is viscous and tastes foul. If you drink it, for the next hour you automatically stabilize when dying. If you take fire or acid damage, the benefits of troll oil are suspended for 1 round.

Troll Styptic

A witch's brew of troll blood, powdered plant extracts, and alchemical binders dried into a powder and kept in small packets.

Use: A field treatment for wounds and bleeding, particularly where magical healing is not available. When applied directly to wounds troll styptic grants a living creature fast healing 2 for 2d4 rounds, as well as closing any open wounds the subject has or receives while the styptic is active, preventing ongoing damage from bleeding. This is a painful cure and requires the target to make a DC 15 Con save to avoid level 2 fatigue for the duration of the fast healing.


A tall plant with blue flowers.

Terrain: plains, forests, or mountains

Use: The root of this tall plant with blue flowers is toxic, but herbalists use it in low doses to reduce pain and regulate the heart. A creature inflicted with lycanthropy can consume wolfsbane within three days to get a new Con save to attempt to recover from the disease.