
Step 1: Determine Your Ability Scores

The first step to generating a character is creating your ability scores. These represent your character’s base features, their most basic attributes. Most skills and abilities your character acquires will be influenced by your base ability score in some way, so it’s fair to say that the strengths and weaknesses in these abilities have a big impact on the strengths and weakness of your character in general.

Your Six Scores

Your character will have six basic abilities. No character should be perfect in all six of these attributes. Together they represent both your strengths and your weaknesses, helping you form a more complete picture of your unique character.

Determining Ability Scores

There are a number of ways to roll ability scores. Here are a few options

Ability Modifiers

When you start, ability scores will generally be between 3 and 20, with 10 representing the average ability. These scores add bonuses (or penalties) to various other skills and abilities throughout the game. These are known as ability bonuses. A score of 10 or 11 has no ability bonus, or +0. For every two points above that your ability bonus is +1 higher. So, a 12 or 13 Strength has a strength bonus of +1; 14 or 15 is +2; and so on. Likewise, every two below adds a cumulative -1. Positive ability bonuses are sometimes also called ability bonuses.

Ability Scores and Modifiers
1 - 5
2 - 3 - 4
4 - 5 - 3
6 - 7 - 2
8 - 9 - 1
10 - 11+0
12 - 13+1
14 - 15+2
16 - 17+3
18 - 19+4
20 - 21+5
22 - 23+6
24 - 25+7
26 - 27+8
28 - 29+9
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