
Step 2: Choose Your Class

A character class is a broad definition of what type of character you are. It encompasses all the skills and abilities your particular character has and should be intertwined closely with your character's background. Character classes start at level 1 and level up as you gain more experience, allowing you to unlock new abilities.


Alchemist – A magic user who imbues liquids with arcane power instead of casting spells.

Barbarian – Savage and wild fighters who tap into a deeply rooted sense of rage to fuel their combat abilities.

Bard –Musician and performers whose knowledge of a variety of different abilities makes them a jack-of-all-trades.

Cleric – Holy warriors who are not only trained in combat, but have the aid of divine spellcasting at their fingers.

Druid – Protectors of wild and natural places, Druids can call upon magic inherent in the natural world.

Elementalist – These martial artists wield elemental powers to enhance their combat abilities.

Fighter – Specialists in the art of combat, fighters rely on skill and training in combat

Inquisitor – Holy investigators who root out enemies of their faith and bring them to justice.

Magus – Fighters who are adept in simultaneously using magic and weapons side-by-side in combat

Monk – Practitioners of unarmed combat who draw upon internal spiritual energy to augment their abilities.

Oracle – Divine vessels who draw on power from a number of deities.

Paladin – Holy warriors who use their might to uphold vows given to a religious order.

Ranger – Wanders and trackers who are at home in the wild.

Rogue – Characters trained in thievery, traps, and sleight of hand, Rogues rely on their cunning and skill in all situations. 

Sorcerer – Magic users who intuitively cast magic, rather than having learned it through arcane studies.

Spellwright – A magic user proficient in the creation of items with magical power.

Warlock – Spellcaster who has made a pact with an otherworldly creature to gain a limited but potent amount of power.

Witch – Spellcaster who draws power to hex others from a pact made with an otherworldly power.

Wizard – Spellcasters who delve into the arcane and have studied its secrets.

All of your class abilities get stronger as you become more experienced. These abilities have a Difficulty Class (DC) that your opponent must hit to avoid their effects. As your character grows, the DC grows as well, and your abilities become more effective. Save DC is most commonly used for spells, many of which require saving throws to avoid or mitigate their effects.

Save DC = 10 + character Level + your prime ability bonus

<< Step 1: Ability Scores << >> Step 3: Background (Ancestry) >>