

An animal companion is an animal that develops a close bond with you on your adventures. Most animal companions are typically one of the following: badger, bird, camel, cat, dire rat, dog, horse, pony, snake (viper or constrictor), or wolf. The GM may allow other animals not on this list.

Animal companions are bigger, stronger, and smarter than the typical animal of its kind. To create an animal companion, start with the base stats for the animal. As your animal companion gains levels, these stats will increase. Your animal companion’s level is always equal to yours.

If you release your companion from service or your companion dies, you can replace it. Doing so requires a 24-hour ceremony in the environment where the new companion typically lives.

Animal companions have the following scores.

Ability Scores

Animal companions have the same ability scores as their common counterparts.

Saving Throws

Your companion has saving throw scores for each of its abilities. At level 1, they start with the same saving throws as their base animal form. Each time your animal gains a level, you get two ranks to increase these saving throws. This functions in the same way as your normal saving throw ranks.

Armor Class (AC)

Animal companions start with the same AC as common animals, though they get a special dodge bonus to AC that they can add on top of any other dodge bonuses (including that from Dexterity) that they already have. The special dodge bonus increases each level, as follows.

Companion Level1234567891011121314151617181920
Special Dodge Bonus to AC+0+1+2+3+4+5+5+6+7+8+9+10+10+11+12+13+14+15+15+16

Hit Points (HP)

At level 1, your animal companion has the same number of hit points as its common counterpart. Every level afterward, it gains 1d10 more hit points (no Con bonus).

Combat Proficiency Bonus (CP)

Your animal companion's combat proficiency bonus increases as you level up. Use the following combat proficiency scale instead of the common animal's listed bonus.

Companion Level1234567891011121314151617181920


Your companion has the same types of attacks that their common counterparts have. That is, your companion wolf will have a bite attack that a normal wolf does. If your creature has more than one attack (like a horse's "2 hooves") it can use one of those attacks normally, or both of them when making a full-round attack.

The damage inflicted by these attacks is different from their common cousins. All companion attacks start out at 1d4+3 damage. At levels 3, 9, and 15 this damage increases by 1 (to 1d4+4, 1d4+5, and 1d4+6).

As usual, your companion's melee attack bonus is equal to its Combat Proficiency Bonus + its Strength Bonus, and its ranged attack bonus is equal to its Combat Proficiency Bonus + its Dexterity Bonus.


Animal companions have the following skills: Acrobatics (Dex), Athletics (Str), Intimidate (Cha), Perception (Wis), Stealth (Dex), Nature (Wis). Companion's scores are equivalent to the skill scores of common animals. If the creature doesn't have a score for any of these skills, the companion will make a straight ability check to perform them.


You companion is still an animal, so you never have complete control over them like you would with a familiar. Animal companions can only perform whatever tricks you've taught them to do. The number of tricks your companion can learn increases as they level up (see Training Animals).

Standard Abilities

Animal companions have all of the same special abilities (trip, grab, constrict, etc.), sensory abilities (scent, darkvision, low-light vision, etc.), and movement that regular versions have.

Companion Abilities

Companions also gain special abilities at certain levels. These abilities are particular to animal companions and not common among regular animals.

Companion LevelCompanion Abilities
1stLink, share spells
4thAbility score increase
5thSummon (paladin only)
9thAbility score increase
11thMagical Beast (paladin only)
14thAbility score increase
15thSpell Resistance (paladin only)
20thAbility score increase

Link (Ex)

You make animal handling checks at advantage for your companion. If you don't have any ranks in Animals, you may make a Wisdom check at advantage instead. Unlike normal animals, this takes a free action for you and your companion. If you are pushing your companion to do something they normally wouldn't do, it takes a movement action instead.

Share Spells (Ex)

If you choose, you may have any spell (but not any spell-like ability) you cast on yourself also affect your companion. The companion must be within 5 feet at the time of casting to receive the benefit. If the spell or effect has a duration other than instantaneous, it stops affecting the companion if it moves farther than 5 feet away and will not affect the companion again even if it returns to you before the duration expires. Additionally, you may cast a spell with a target of "You" or "Self" on your companion (as a touch range spell) instead of on yourself. Spells shared this way affect your companion even if they normally only affect humanoids.

Ability Score Increase (Ex)

The animal companion adds +1 to any one of its ability scores.

Paladin-Mount Abilities

Paladin's mounts are a special kind of animal companion, ones endowed with certain magical qualities. In addition to the standard abilities, paladin mounts get the following.


Once per day, as a full-round action, you may magically call your mount to your side by using two points from your energy pool. The mount immediately appears adjacent to you.

Magical Beast

At 11th level, the mount becomes a magical beast for the purposes of determining which spells affect it. It gains darkvision 60 feet and has a spell resistance of 7. It also has weapon resistance 5 and 5 points of energy resistance.

Spell Resistance

At 15th level, your mount gains spell resistance equal to your level + 11.