

CR 1, N Tiny Magical beast

Senses: Perception 1, Darkvision 60, Low Light Vision

Speed: 20 ft.  Skills: Stealth 10

Languages: empath (30 ft.)

Ability Scores: Str 5 (+0), Dex 7 (+1), Con 12 (+4), Int 6 (-2), Wis 13 (+1), Cha 10 (+0)

INIT: -2  CP: +2  HP: 13 (2d10+2)  SA: 4  DC: 14

AC: 12  Touch: 10  Flat-footed: 12 [-2 Dodge, +2 Natural, +2 Size]

SR: --  Vulnerable: --  Resistant: --  Bypass: --

Immunity: --  Effect Immunity: --


Empathic (ex) - This creature possesses a crude form of telepathy within 30 feet, allowing them to transmit mild impressions and remembered sensations to other creatures. This form of telepathy cannot convey language or hinder a target in any way (such as by transmitting pain). Thus, a it can relate a feeling of fear or the faint smell of leaves, but cannot directly warn an ally of a monster or tell of a treasure under a dirt mound.

Vulnerability to Suggestion (ex) - Any mental spell can affect this creature regardless of creature type limitations.


Fatal Faker (su, 3/day) - A carbuncle can teleport (level 3), but only within a range of 30 feet. Upon teleporting, the carbuncle leaves behind a perfect replica of itself amid a colored flash and the sound of a reptilian choke. This replica duplicates the carbuncle in all ways, though it is obviously dead and the colorless stone in its head is reduced to worthless dust.

Specious Suggestion (su, 3/day) - A carbuncle can concentrate intently on one creature within its line of sight and attempt to impose its will upon the target. A CHA save is enough to resist this compulsion. If the target fails to resist, roll 1d6. On a result of 1-2, the target gains a flash of insight and a +2 dodge bonus to its Armor Class for 1 minute. On a result of 3-4, the victim is affected as if by suggestion for 1 minute, and must follow a single (usually embarrassing, always harmless) suggestion from the carbuncle. On a result of 5-6, the victim's thoughts are garbled with those of the carbuncle, imposing a -2 penalty to the victim's mental saving throws for 1 minute.

Spell Like Abilities (3/day)

Environment: any forests or swamps

Organization: None

Treasure: standard

This small, awkward reptile with a fist-sized gem jutting from between its two bulging eyes seems both surprised and perplexed.

Deep in the tangled underbrush of forests and in the remote regions of dismal swamps and bogs lives a strange creature called the carbuncle. The carbuncle is a withdrawn creature and seeks to avoid encounters. Should it seek interaction, a carbuncle often begins by proudly announcing the value of the gem in its forehead just to watch the reaction such information arouses. Despite its overall shy nature, the carbuncle has a mischievous side as well, often seeking to join travelers in order to play pranks and gauge the reactions of the unfortunate victims of its curiosity. After joining with a party, a carbuncle will seek to cause discord by using selective telepathic images and prophesies to breed hostility and suspicion between party members. It will often telepathically contact nearby monsters and lead them to attack the party so that it can watch in fascination and read the thoughts of the party as they are attacked, slipping away at an opportune moment. A carbuncle can be coerced to surrender the gem in its forehead. This requires a successful DC 20 Bluff check. If successful, the carbuncle releases the gem. If the check fails, the carbuncle sees through the deception and attempts to flee. When a carbuncle is slain, its forehead gem crumbles to dust. If the carbuncle relinquishes its gem, it grows another one within one month. Though fascinated by combat, carbuncles are nearly helpless in melee. They much prefer to set up encounters using their powers and then watch the brutal scenes unfold. Carbuncles surrender immediately if attacked. If placed under duress, a carbuncle wills itself to die. A favorite tactic of the carbuncle is befriending a party and accompanying them on their quest. Once it has achieved this objective, it uses its discord ability to cause suspicion, hostility, and disruption among the party members.

Never have legend and misinformation met upon a more inauspicious brow than that of the lowly carbuncle. Even the creature's name summons ideas that range from the grandiose to the grotesque. Carbuncles appear to be little more than ungainly reptiles. What sets them apart, however, is their strange magical abilities and the fist-sized gemstone horn jutting from above their bulging eyes. Although tales differ regarding the type and value of the stone, many claim it is a ruby or garnet. In truth, however, a carbuncle's gem is merely a highly ref lective growth, not unlike a fingernail. Carbuncles exhibit a peculiar attraction to magic-users, especially sorcerers with the fey bloodline and any who pack supplies of fresh fruit. Many enchanters laud the extraordinary mind-control powers of these intense creatures and extol the aid they can offer mages of their field-though others consider such tales something of an academic in-joke. A neutral spellcaster with the Improved Familiar feat can gain a carbuncle as a familiar at 5th level.