
Cold Rider

CR 8, CE Medium Fey (cold)

Senses: Perception 18, Darkvision 60, Low Light Vision

Speed: 30 ft.  Skills: Acrobatics 11, Insight 18, Intimidation 16, Stealth 19, Animals 22, Nature 18

Languages: Common, Elven, Sylvan

Ability Scores: Str 17 (+7), Dex 16 (+13), Con 18 (+8), Int 14 (+12), Wis 15 (+12), Cha 17 (+13)

INIT: +7  CP: +6  HP: 97 (13d6+52)  SA: 11  DC: 21

AC: 21  Touch: 13  Flat-footed: 18 [+8 Armor, +3 Dodge]

SR: 21  Vulnerable: Fire 5, Sonic 5, Cold iron 5  Resistant: --  Bypass: --

Immunity: Cold  Effect Immunity: --


Fast Healing (su) - The Cold Rider recovers 5 lost hit points per round on its turn.

Implements of Ice (ex) - A Cold Rider's weapons and armor are made of magical ice and are as hard as steel. Weapons have the icy burst property. Its armor does not restrict it in any way. When the Cold Rider dies, its armor and weapons melt into water in 1d6 rounds.

Pass without Trace (ex) - The Cold Rider doesn't leave tracks. Any mount it rides also leave no tracks.

Susceptible to Shatter (ex) - A shatter spell deals 3d6 points of damage to a Cold Rider (no save) and reduces its armor bonus by 2 for 1 minute. Shatter spells automatically overcome any spell resistance.

Icewalking (ex) - This creature can walk and climb on ice without any restrictions. On icy walls, this ability functions like spider climb.

Constant Spell-Like Abilities (Sp) - The following spells are always active: Pass without Trace


Trample (Full Round)(ex) - As a full-round action, the Cold Rider can attempt to overrun any opponents that are medium-sized or smaller by simply moving through their squares. Targets in the path take regular damage (Dex save for half). Targets who fail the save are also knocked prone. Those who remain on their feet can make a standard attack of opportunity. The Cold Rider cannot damage a creature more than once per round with this attack.

Ghost Sound (sp, Mental, Illusion) - The Cold Rider can create illusory sound effects of almost any sort.

Mounted Combat Expertise (Reaction)(ex, 2/day) - In reaction to a successful hit against its steed, the Cold Rider can make an Animal Handling check with a +2 bonus. The results of this check replace the mount's AC, negating the hit if higher than its attack roll.

Spell Like Abilities (1/day)Spell Like Abilities (At Will)

Environment: any cold

Organization: None

Treasure: standard

Jagged, twisting antlers of dark blue ice crown the helm of this ice-armored humanoid figure.

Cold riders are terrifying armored majesties, clad in cloaks of frost with a pair of large crystal-blue antlers cresting their almost skeletal heads. Their icy armor and weapons are as much a part of them as their frozen flesh. Cold riders delight in perversion, slaughter, and the corruption of other fey. They prefer undead or cold-resistant steeds, but even when they have no access to such, their phantom steed spell-like ability ensures they never go long without a mount. Cold riders are 7 feet tall, though their antlers easily add another 2 feet to their height. They weigh 300 pounds.