
Legion Archon

CR 7, LG Medium Outsider (archon, extraplanar)

Senses: Perception 13, Darkvision 60, Detect alignmentThe creature can detect the alignment of creatures if they are in line-of-sight., Low Light Vision

Speed: 40 ft., fly 90 ft. (average)  Skills: Athletics 10, Intimidation 14, Persuasion 14, Religion 11

Languages: Celestial, Draconic, Infernal, Truespeech

Ability Scores: Str 16 (+12), Dex 12 (+4), Con 19 (+13), Int 10 (+9), Wis 15 (+11), Cha 17 (+12)

INIT: +1  CP: +8  HP: 76 (8d10+32)  SA: 10  DC: 20

AC: 23  Touch: 11  Flat-footed: 22 [+12 Armor, +1 Dodge]

SR: 20  Vulnerable: --  Resistant: Weapons 10  Bypass: Evil

Immunity: Electricity  Effect Immunity: Petrification, Sleep


Power Attack (ex) - A Legion Archon may choose to take a penalty to its attack roll (up to -5). For each point of penalty, the Legion Archon does one extra point of damage. The Legion Archon must decide to use power attack at the beginning of its turn and it applies to all attack made until the start of its next turn.

Improved Grappling (ex) - This creature is an expert grappler. It can use its level + strength bonus when making a grapple. This grapple check still counts as a skill check.

Improved Critical (ex) - The critical hit range of one of the creature's attacks increases by one point.

Second Skin (ex) - This creature is proficient in all forms of armor. It takes no reduction to its speed or any armor check penalties from wearing any sort of armor.

Constant Spell-Like Abilities (Sp) - The following spells are always active: Detect, Protection (Level 3, 10' radius)


Vital Strike (ex) - As a standard action, the Legion Archon can make one attack at full bonus that deals additional damage. Roll the damage from the attack twice before adding other damage bonuses. This extra weapon damage is not multiplied on a critical hit but is still added to the total.

Flames of Faith (Movement)(ex, Fire) - A legion archon can manifest a +1 flaming burst greatsword or +1 flaming javelin as a move-equivalent action. The legion archon's sword vanishes if it leaves its hand, and its javelin vanishes after striking or missing its target.

Spell Like Abilities (3/day)Spell Like Abilities (At Will)

Environment: Extraplanar (Heaven)

Organization: solitary, pair, squad (3-12)

Treasure: standard (masterwork full plate, other treasure)

This celestial knight bears a flaming blade as it flies through the air on metallic wings that seem to grow from its armor.

Where shield archons are the bulwarks of the armies of Heaven, legion archons are the swords, sent in file after file to match evil's boundless hordes. Legion archons stand 6-1/2 feet in height and weigh 200 pounds. Beneath their helmets and armor, they have pale or nearly jet-black hairless skin. Their eyes burn bright with the flames of their faith, flaring brightest when they conjure forth their weapons. Regardless of the armor they choose to wear, their metallic wings merge with and extend beyond the armor, allowing them flight even when wearing the heaviest of protection. Despite their warlike mien, legion archons prefer errands of peace and mercy. Their masters dispatch unarmed legion archons as celestial envoys, though still clad in their heavenly armor. In this fashion, they spread the word and love of Heaven to widely scattered realms.