
Step 8: Abilities

All characters have abilities. Simply put, abilities are the things you can have your character do. Some abilities are combat-related, others aren't.

Class Abilities and Common Abilities

Abilities come from a variety of sources, though most commonly you are granted abilities based on your class. These are called Class Abilities. Some abilities granted by your class are common enough, though, that they can be eventually learned by anyone. These are called Common Abilities. For now, the difference between the two isn't important. Simply note which abilities you class grants at level 1. As you level up, you will gain more abilities too.


Classes also grant proficiencies. These represent the basic training that a typical member of your class has access to. Weapon proficiencies indicate which types of weapons (simple, martial, exotic) your character knows how to use. Likewise, armor proficiencies tell you whether you are trained in the use of light, medium or heavy armor, or whether you know how to use a shield. Your character may also start with other proficiencies such training in unarmed or improvised combat, the ability to scribe scrolls, knowledge about traps, ability to pick locks, or an understanding of how to track. See Proficiencies.


All abilities come in a standard form, but with special training you can learn to modify them using Techniques. Using techniques is optional, but if you choose to customize your abilities, you may start your character with one free technique that you have learned as part of your upbringing. See Techniques for details on how these work.

<< Step 7: Hit Points and other stats << >> Step 9: Skills >>